
The BomRow object is of type PsObject and represents an individual line item in a BOM of a specific Fusion 360 Manage Item.

The $bomRow object is dynamically created depending on the defined Custom BOM fields which are assigned to a View in the Bill of Materials Tab and additionally provides all the members from the corresponding Item.

The BOM specific properties have the same name as the BOM Fields in Fusion 360 Manage starting with the ‘Bom_’ prefix (regardless of the used display names in the different BOM Views).
Properties that include whitespaces can be accessed by enclosing them in single quotes.



The following Standard BOM fields are always available in addition to the Item members:






The line number of the item in the BOM



The quantity of the item in the BOM



The Unit Abbreviation value of the BOM line item (e.g. EA, kg, mm,…).

The Unit of Measure property on the according Item returns the full Unit name instead.”


Similar as for Item Fields, the Custom BOM field properties are converted to a corresponding PowerShell data type based on the configured Field types in Fusion 360 Manage.


Example of a single line item in BOM of Item ‘699-00001 - p681 GeForce GT210’:

Id                           : 7516
Workspace                    : Items
RootId                       : 7516
Bom_PositionNumber           : 2
Bom_Quantity                 : 1.0
Bom_Ref Des                  :
Bom_Source                   : Vault
Bom_Row Order                : 2
Bom_Qty Pos                  : 1
Bom_Lead Time Min            :
Bom_Lead Time Max            :
Bom_Total Cost Min           :
Bom_Total Cost Min           :
Bom_Total Cost               : 3.227
Bom_Lead Time                :
Bom_Est. Total Cost          :
Bom_Total Weight             :
Bom_Maximum Recycling Per... :
Bom_Minimum Recycling Per... :
Bom_Total Plastic Waste      : 0.0
Bom_Total Potential Carb ... : 0            
Bom_Total Carbon Emissions   : 0.0
Number                       : 680-00001
Title                        : GeForce GT210
Type                         : Mechanical
LifecycleState               : Production
Unit of Measure              : Each
PDM_UNIT_OF_MEASURE          : Box
PDM Category                 : Part
PDM Location                 : $/Designs/680
Responsible Designer         : Administrator
PDM Last Modification Date   : 06.04.2023 00:00:00
PDM Maturity                 :         
PDM_STATUS_NAME              : Released
PDM_ITEM_REVISION            : B
PDM_ITEM_VERSION             :
PDM_MASS                     :
PDM_SIZE                     :
PDM_ITEM_ID                  : 1679012
PDM_MASTER_ID                : 2101102
PDM_OBJECT_ID                : 680-00001
PDM_PROJECT_ID               :
PDM_VAULT_NAME               : Vault
Source PDM                   : Vault
Top Level Class              : Items
Class Path                   : Items
Class Name                   : Items