
Creates a new Item in the specified workspace in Fusion 360 Manage.


Add-FLCItem -Workspace <String> [[-Properties] <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]








The name of the workspace where the item should be added to




The properties for the item being created, which will be set for the according fields in Fusion 360 Manage


Return type

Item ← on success.
empty ← on failure. Exception/ErrorMessage can be accessed using $Error.


The -Properties arguments allows passing the name and value for all the fields which should be set when creating the Item.
For those fields which are not present in the Hashtable the value is set to a default value configured in Fusion 360 Manage.

Only fields which where assigned either to a Section or to a Matrix in the Item Details Form in Fusion 360 Manage can be passed.
Addionally they must have one of the following Field types:

  • Integer

  • Float

  • Money

  • Date

  • Single Line Text

  • Paragraph

  • Paragraph w/o Line Breaks

  • Check Box

  • Image

  • Email

  • BOM UOM Pick List

  • Defined Pick List - Single Selection

  • Defined Pick List - Multiple Selection

Maximum number of characters

When the passed value for a Field exceeds the in Fusion 360 Manage configured maximum length, the value gets trimmed to its maximum length.


To use the examples below a Fusion 360 Manage demo Tenant is required:

Create a new Item

Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId '[email protected]'

Add-FLCItem -Workspace 'Training'

Id                      : 9009
Workspace               : Training
RootId                  : 9009
Number                  : TRN000003
Document Number         :
Trainee Name            :
Job Title               :
Primary Trainer         :
Training Start          :
Training End            :
Qualification Completed :
Comments                :

Create an Item with properties

Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId '[email protected]'

$item = Add-FLCItem -Workspace 'Items' -Properties @{
    'Title' = 'powerPLM is fun!'              #Field Type: Single Line Text
    'PDM Last Modification Date' = (Get-Date) #Field Type: Date
    'Estimated Cost'  = 9000.5                #Field Type: Money
    #'My custom checkbox' = $true             #Field Type: Check Box

Create an Item with Pick List fields

Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId '[email protected]'

$item = Add-FLCItem -Workspace 'Audits' -Properties @{
    "Unit of Measure" = "Cubic Centimeter"                  #Field Type: BOM UOM Pick List
    "SPC Score" = "3 - Advanced"                            #Field Type: Defined Pick List - Single Selection
    "Audit Team" = @("Thomsen, Dane", "Bernat, Lauran")     #Field Type: Defined Pick List - Multiple Selection

Create an Item with Paragraph and Image fields

Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId '[email protected]'

$imageBytes = Get-Content -Path 'thumbnail.jpeg' -Encoding Byte -Raw

$item = Add-FLCItem -Workspace 'FMEA Analysis' -Properties @{
    "Type of FMEA required" = "System FMEA"               #Field Type: Defined Pick List - Single Selection
    "Request Date" = (Get-Date)                           #Field Type: Date
    "Request Notes" = "<p><b>Renewe next time!<b></p>"    #Field Type: Paragraph
    "Process or Product Image" = $imageBytes              #Field Type: Image

Error handling, analyze why Item could not be created using $Error

Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId '[email protected]'
$item = Add-FLCItem -Workspace 'Not existing Workspace'

if(-not $item){
   $Error[0].Exception #Returns "No Workspace found with the given name: Not existing Workspace"