Activation and Trial limitations
Trial limitations
There is no difference in functionality between the trial version and the fully licensed product.
After the installation the product is available as a trial version for 30 days.
During the trial period powerJobs Processor will place a License Job to the Job Queue once a powerJobs job is executed.
This way the Vault administrator gets notified in advance about the product that is soon expiring on the Job Processor.

These jobs will not be executed by any Job Processor and needs to be removed manually.
To keep using powerJobs Processor after the trial period, the product needs to be activated on every Job Processor where it is in use.
Follow these steps to activate new installations of powerJobs Processor on Job Processor machines together with all other products included with the same subscription.
After a successful activation, all products included in the subscription can be used on the Job Processor until the licenses expire.
When the computer has an Internet connection no further activation steps are required even when the license is renewed or after purchasing additional products licenses.
More details on product activations for additional Job Processors machines can be found here.
Serial Number Activation
Similar to previous versions of powerJobs Processor an activation using the serial number is also possible.
This activation method can be used if only a single product should be activated or to activate older product versions (v22 - v24).
Further details can be found in the second section on activations via serial numbers “For products with version 20.x - 24.x”.
To activate powerJobs Processor via serial number, the powerJobs Processor specific License Information dialog required. It can be opened by:
The Start Menu: Navigate to “All Apps → coolOrange → License Manager” and search for “powerJobs Processor”.
Then click on the “Trial” link (or on the already displayed serial number).Or in the powerJobs Processor navigate to the ‘Help’ menu, click on ‘About’ and then use the ‘Licensing Information’ link:
Or register the serial number directly via the command line:
"C:\Program Files\coolOrange\powerJobs Processor\License.exe" --Serialnumber="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" --StandAlone
Offline Activation
For environments where no internet connection is available a license file can be used to activate the product.
The License file can be downloaded from any device using this link: Offline Activation of powerJobs Processor.
To generate the license file, the serial number for the license as well as the Machine Code (for the computer the license should be activated on), which is displayed in the License Information dialog, are required.
For offline activations the activation steps have to be repeated when the license changes (e.g. when the license is renewed). More information can be found here.
Troubleshooting License Problems
To check on the Job Processor whether the products of your subscription are activated, open the License Manager via the Start Menu by navigating to “All Apps → coolOrange → License Manager”.
To see more details of the powerJobs Processor license, open the License Information dialog by clicking the link in the License Manager.
The last 30 days before this license expires, a License Job is added to the Job Queue.
This way, the Vault administrator can recognise in advance that his coolOrange subscription needs to be renewed.

License expired
If the powerJobs Processor license expires, all powerJobs Jobs will fail with a license error and a license job will be queued to inform about the outstanding renewal.