Transfer Item BOMs


This sample Workflow is meant to display how Vault Item metadata, attached Vault files as well as Bill Of Material information can be transferred to Fusion 360 Manage.
It covers the most common user scenarios and is easy to configure but also serves as a base to create custom workflows.

Note: It pushes Vault items, their BOMs and attachments from Vault to Fusion 360 Manage.


The job and its configuration are designed to be used with a pre-configured Vault and Fusion 360 Manage workspace.
A specific workspace “Vault Items and Boms” is expected by the job:

  • With newer versions of the Fusion 360 Manage tenant the “Vault Items and Boms” workspace is already installed by default.

  • If the workspace is not available it can be be installed for the via Administration → App Store:


The job and default configuration is designed to be used with specific Vault settings:

  • Use the Autodesk sample PDMC Vault to guarantee the expected settings.


This powerJobs Processor Job performs all the succeeding Fusion 360 Manage requests by retrieving the e-mail address of the particular user that added the Job to the Queue.

On the condition that the according Workflow Trigger is configured, the job can easily be triggered from within the Vault Client by changing the lifecycle state of an item to ‘Released’.
The job fails when the ‘Sample.TransferItemBOMs’ workflow or the Fusion 360 Manage Workspace is not configured properly, when the JobProcessor can’t connect to the Fusion 360 Manage tenant or when invalid positions are detected in the Vault Item BOM. See error handling.
The job creates Fusion Lifecylce Items for the $item where the Job is triggered on, and for all the Vault Items that are contained in its Bill of Material.
All the configured Item Details will become filled with the mapped Vault data. If the corresponding Items already exist in Fusion 360 Manage, they will be updated with these configured values, but only if their description has changed since the last transfer.

When an item is transferred to Fusion 360 Manage that represents a virtual component which is used by an assembly, then the thumbnail shows the thumbnail of the assembly.
The fields of the section Primary File in Fusion 360 Manage are empty, as there is no file equivalent existing for the Virtual Component.

Once a Vault Item is transferred to Fusion 360 Manage this relationship is stored in Vault Entity Attributes. They are not visible within Vault Explorer but can be retrieved e.g. in customizations by using the Vault APIs:

$vault.PropertyService.GetEntityAttributes($item.MasterId, 'FLC.ITEM') | Where-Object { $_.Attr -eq 'Urn' } | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Val
#Returns "urn:adsk.plm:tenant.workspace.item:previewcoolorange.136.10610"

By default the attachments of the following Vault Item associations are configured to be downloaded into a temporary directory (by default C:\Temp\), then uploaded and linked in the Attachments Tab of the Fusion 360 Manage Item:

  • Vault Item attachments

  • Composition association attachments (attachments of the primary associated file)

  • Design Document association attachments (attachments of the tertiary associated files)

  • Design Document DWGs (tertiary associated DWG files)

Already existing attachments in Fusion 360 Manage will not be deleted when the item is updated, although the attachment was removed from the item in Vault or the configuration settings have been changed.

Bill of Materials:
Foreach Get-VaultItemBOM component an according Fusion 360 Manage Item will be created and linked in the Bill of Materials tab of the Fusion 360 Manage header Item .
The Bom_RowOrder property of the ItemBomRow will be copied to the BOM Position Number field unless configured differently, and the Bom_InstCount property to the BOM Quantity field.
Vault ItemBomRows with identical Bom_Number properties are not unique and are getting merged within Fusion. The Quantity is determined from the sum of the Vault Instant Count values if the item occurs more than once. The Qty Pos is summed up from the Vault Quantity. Merged text fields with different values are set to “Varies”. Numerical fields with different values are set to “-1”.

The BOM line items and their BOM information will be updated if they already exist in the Fusion 360 Manage BOM. If a BOM line item was added manually to the Fusion 360 Manage BOM they are preserved (determined using the Source field).
When a BOM is created/updated by the Job, following information is populated in Fusion 360 Manage:

  • BOM item structure from Vault

  • Position (#)

  • Quantity

  • Mapped properties which are configured in the field mapping group Vault BOM → FLC BOM

Part List:
Optionally the Fusion 360 Manage Part List Details Grid tab gets populated with the raw Bill of Material from the selected Vault Item and the configured mappings within the field mapping group Vault BOM → FLC Grid.
In contrast to the Bill of Material information, identical item positions are not merged.


The job is delivered with a default configuration file that has to be imported from the location %ProgramData%\coolOrange\powerJobs\Jobs\Sample.TransferItemBOMs.json.
Once imported, the default configuration can be adjusted in the Workflow-Settings dialog.


This workflow synchronizes Vault BOMs for the Vault Entity Type Item to the Fusion 360 Manage Workspace Vault Items and Boms.
In Fusion 360 Manage this workspace is already configured properly and allows users to choose items from this workspace from within the Bill of Materials Tab.
The workflow is designed to be used with a pre-configured Vault and this Fusion 360 Manage workspace but can also be adapted to work with any other Vault/Fusion configuration by either deleting the unneeded mappings or by creating the properties in Vault and/or Fusion that are missing.

Item Details

The fields in the Item Details Tab get filled with the values of the mapped Vault properties, or the results of the mapped Functions.
These mappings are transferred for all the Items which are created, and for those which already exist in Fusion 360 Mangage and will be updated.

Most of the mappings are configured in a field mapping group named Vault Item → FLC Item.
It contains the mappings between the properties of the Vault Item and the fields of the Item in Fusion 360 Manage:
e.g. the Fusion Lifecycle Item Field Number gets filled with the value of the Vault Property Number, Title with Title (Item,CO), Description with Description (Item,CO) and Thumbnail with Thumbnail.

Additional mappings can be found in the field mapping group Vault primary Item-File Link → FLC Item.
It contains the Vault File properties which should be transferred from the primary subcomponent of the Vault Item to the fields of the Item in Fusion 360 Manage:
e.g. the Fusion Lifecycle Item Field File Name gets filled with with the Name of the primary file that is linked to the Vault Item, Folder with the Folder Path and File Version with its Version.


In order to configure what types of Vault Item associations will uploaded and attached to the Fusion 360 Manage Item the following Workflow Settings can be adjusted:





Upload Item Attachments

Whether item attachments should be transferred to Fusion 360 Manage


Upload Composition Attachments

Whether attachments of the primary attached file should be transferred to Fusion 360 Manage


Upload Design Document Attachments

Whether attachments of the design document file should be transferred to Fusion 360 Manage


Upload Design Document DWGs

Whether design document native DWG files should be transferred to Fusion 360 Manage

Bill of Materials

The according behavior of how the Vault Item BOM gets transferred to Fusion 360 Manage can be adjusted with the following Workflow Settings:





Use RowOrder as BOM Position

Whether the RowOrder from Vault should be used instead of the Position Number for the Position in a Fusion 360 Manage BOM


BOM-Source Field

A BOM field in Fusion 360 Manage used to identify that the particular BOM row as been transferred by the workflow


BOM-Source Value

The value that identifies that the particular BOM row has been transferred by the workflow

The mappings from Vault Bill of Materials properties to Fusion 360 Manage BOM fields can be configured in the field mapping group named Vault BOM → FLC BOM.

The following fields are set by the job and do not need to be mapped:

Fusion 360 Manage



BOM row Position or RowOrder (depending on the settings)


BOM row Quantity


“Vault” (depending on the settings)

Part List

The behavior of populating the Part List Details Grid can be adjusted with the following Workflow Settings:




FLC Grid Field

Grid ID Field

A Grid field in Fusion 360 Manage that identifies the Grid row (mapped Vault property value must be unique for each BOM row)


Enable Grid Transfer

Wheter the BOM information should be transferred to the ‘Part List Details’ grid. When set to ‘false’, the field mapping group ‘Vault BOM → FLC Grid’ is not required


Transfer Grid only if BOM is merged

Whether the ‘Part List Details’ grid is only transferred when it contains merged BOM rows.


When the Grid ID Field setting is changed after items have already been created in Fusion 360 Manage issues can arise.

Default mappings for Vault Bill of Materials properties to Fusion 360 Manage Part List Details fields are configured in the Field mapping group named Vault BOM → FLC Grid,
e.g. the Fusion Lifecycle Grid Field Row Order with the Vault Property Bom_RowOrder, Number with Number, Quantity (Numeric Value) with Bom_Quantity and Pos Nr with a numerically converted value of Bom_PositionNumber.

Triggering the workflow

In order to execute the workflow job on Vault Item lifecycle changes to a ‘Released’ state, each single Vault lifecycle state transition must be extended to trigger a job of the type “Sample.TransferItemBOMs”:


Afterwards when changing the state for a specific Vault item, this will automatically queue the “Transfer Item BOMs” workflow job. Read more here.


When the Lifecycle state gets changed to “Released” for the Vault Item and its dependent child Items, then the “Sample.TransferItemBOMs” job is automatically triggered for all of them.

Alternatively the job can be queued within your own client customization using powerEvents and the Add-VaultJob cmdlet, by passing the following Item parameters:

$item = Get-VaultItem -Number 100018
$job = Add-VaultJob -Name "Sample.TransferItemBOMs" -Parameters @{"EntityId"=$item.Id;"EntityClassId"="Item"} -Description "Transfer Item BOMs for: $($item._Number)"

Also the Priority of the created Job can be configured this way. Jobs with higher priority will be executed first. The lower the number the higher the priority.