powerJobs Client notifies the user about changes in the Vault Job Queue.
These notifications will pop up in the Notification Center (also known as Action Center or Info Center on Windows 10 workstations).
Afterwards the number of received notifications is displayed in the lower-right corner of the taskbar:

Missed notifications can be checked by clicking on this taskbar icon.
The following types of job notifications are displayed:
(Their appearance may vary depending on the version of Windows you are using)
Job(s) Added

Duration: Volatile (Max. 5 seconds)
Submit Jobs to the Job Server
When the application (Vault, Inventor, AutoCAD) submits a new job to the Job Queue, the Job Added notification is displayed.
Jobs can be submitted through:
Submit Jobs automatically based on Lifecycle State Change
When the Vault application (Vault Client, Inventor, AutoCAD) performs a lifecycle state change, and certain job types are configured to be triggered from the Vault-Server based on the lifecycle transition, the Added notification is displayed.

Via Vault Client it is possible to configure jobs only for Files, Folders, Items and Custom Objects.
It is possible to configure jobs to be submitted to the job server automatically on lifecycle state changes through:
Custom jobs fired for a lifecycle state transition on ChangeOrders
Submit Jobs automatically based on custom logic
The user gets notified either for jobs which are submitted by himself, or automatically from the Vault-Server (e.g. on a lifecycle state change).
Job(s) Failed

Duration: Persistent (Max. 3 days)
In case a job that was added by the user terminates with an error, the Job Failed notification is displayed.
It this happens during the absence of the user and the Vault application was closed, the notification will be displayed right after the next Vault login.
Users will not be informed if their failed jobs were removed from the Job Queue or re-submitted in the meantime.
How it works
The powerJobs Client waits until the user submits a new job to the Vault Job Queue.
After that, the Job Queue is constantly checked (every 5 seconds), in order to check the states of the desired jobs from the user.
To reduce the Vault API calls to a minimum, the polling mechanism runs only right after starting a Vault application and when a new job gets queued.
It retrieves only the required job information’s in an intelligent way so that not every time all jobs have to be retrieved.
Finally, depending on the job state, notifications will be displayed to the user and when all his jobs are done this functionality is paused.
If one job changes its state multiple times within the above-mentioned polling interval, then only the notification for the last state will be displayed.
This means for instance if your job is submitted, processed and run on error in less then 5 seconds, you will receive only the notification of the error.
If multiple jobs change their state multiple times within the above-mentioned polling interval, then the error notification has the highest priority and will be displayed.
That means for example if you submit 20 jobs, all of them are processed but 10 run on failure (all happens in less then 5 seconds), then the notification for the failed jobs will pop up and the notification for the succeeded once will go into the Notification Center.
Further adjustments for the displayed notifications can be configured in the Windows System Settings.
Change notification settings
Depending on the application used, the notification can be enabled or disabled.

Alternatively, you can use the Configuration file to specify for which individual applications powerJobs Client should be loaded.