
powerJobs Client uses Apache log4net as core logging library, and additionally PostSharp Diagnostics for extended Debug logging.

By default, all the logs are stored in a logfile located in ‘C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Local\coolOrange\powerJobs Client\Logs\powerJobs Client.log’ and it contains only Infos, Warnings and Errors.

The log4net settings file is located in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Vault {Version}\Extensions\powerJobs Client.NetFramwork\powerJobs Client.log4net.
Further information about log4Net Configurations can be found here.

When to change the logging behavior?

When you have issues or when you want to get a more detailed knowledge about what went wrong, you can increase the Logging Levels.


When changing the loglevel to DEBUG PostSharp Diagnostics will be enabled and will log all the function calls into the log files.
This could cause performance issues.


You can see, that there is just one logging-Appender, thats the FileAppender:

<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">

If you want to change the Logging Levels for the logfile, please visit in the configuartion file in the lines:

        <level value="INFO" />
        <appender-ref ref="FileAppender"/>

In that root element, you can configure the logginglevel for all appenders. You could set the level to “DEBUG”, than all the appenders will log in debug.
In the line

<param name="File" value="${LOCALAPPDATA}\coolOrange\powerJobs Client\Logs\powerJobs Client.log" />

you can configure the outputpath and name of the logfile.