powerJobs Processor v23
Create DXF out of AutoCAD DWG files (using Inventor and InventorServer)
The sample jobs Sample.CreateDXFfromDrawing and Sample.CreateDWG now use InventorServer by default to process all files and can therefore be executed for AutoCAD drawings
Updated powerVault to version: 23.0.14
Open-Document supports opening AutoCAD DWG files also with Inventor and InventorServer if they are specified in the -Application parameter
Extended Sample.CreateDXFfromDrawing and Sample.CreateDWG with $useInventorServer setting, which allows to easily switch back to Inventor in case of problems with the job execution through InventorServer
Breaking Changes
Removed function Test-ApplicationSupportsDocument
Previously the function Test-ApplicationSupportsDocument
provided by the coolOrange.Applications.psm1 module, allowed checking if a specific application supports opening a document.
Since AutoCAD DWG files where only supported by the DWG TrueView application, the function allowed e.g. to check whether a DWG file is an Inventor DWG or not:
Previous |
Now |
Updated powerVault to version: 23.0.11
The setup has been extended to provide a dependency key that is required for other product setups that depend on powerJobs Processor
Issue where powerVault was listed twice in Programs and Features after upgrading powerVault
Issue where uninstalling product also uninstalled powerVault, although it was still needed by other products, e.g. powerEvents.
Issue in the powerJobs Settings Dialog where entries of the “Job Type” combobox disappeared when custom display scaling settings were used
New design for powerJobs Settings Dialog: Splitted Job Settings and Job Triggers into separate tabs for easier configuration and simplified user experience
New functionality in the powerJobs Settings Dialog to configure queueing jobs from the Vault context menu
Extended default job trigger files with configuration for context menu trigger
Updated powerVault to version: 23.0.6
Added DEPRECATED support for removed powerJobs\Open-VaultConnection cmdlet
Issue in the powerJobs Settings Dialog where saving lifecycle state change trigger configuration failed when all trigger settings where empty
Compatibility-Issue with module of powerFLC Processor v23.0.1 (and earlier) which prevented Open-VaultConnection from reusing the existing Vault connection in job executions
Breaking Changes
Removed Powershell support for “Job Description” textbox in powerJobs Settings Dialog
To set the name of the job’s entity (File, Item etc…) in the job description, it is not necessary anymore to specify the according Powershell expression in the Job description textbox. The job’s entity name will be appended automatically. To achieve the job description “Publish PDF: Drawing.idw”:
Previous |
Now |
Publish PDF: $($file._Name) |
Publish PDF |
Removed Open-VaultConnection
Removed the powerJobs\Open-VaultConnection
cmdlet. Instead, the underlying powerVault Open-VaultConnection cmdlet is used directly.
This means that unnecessary additional functionalities for jobs are no longer executed (the “filterconfig.xml” configuration for AutoCAD block attributes is no longer downloaded, local workgroup is no longer recognized in replicated Vault environments, the “JobProcessor.exe.config” file is no longer loaded in PowerShell IDE).
Extended powerJobs Settings Dialog with new Job Triggers section which allows to configure automatic queueing of jobs based on Vault lifecycle state changes.
Providing default Job Triggers for some jobs. The values are retrieved from newly delivered files (ending with
) in the jobs directory.
Jobs can be associated to Vault entities (important for the previously mentioned Job Trigger of the Settings Dialog)
Added support for console logs in PowerShell ISE
Added support for Vault 2023
Updated powerVault to version: 23.0.1.
Memory usage is reduced when $vaultExplorerUtil gets used in a large number of jobs (see 22.0.9).
Vulnerability in Logging configuration files by updating log4net to v2.0.14 (CVE-2018-1285)
Issue with ColoredConsoleAppender that caused powershell remote hosts to crash when appender was logging to console