Activation and Trial limitations
Trial limitations
There is no difference in functionality between the trial version and the fully licensed product.
After the installation the product is available as a trial version for 30 days.
The license must be activated on every server machine where powerGateServer has been installed.
According to our recommendation, this should be the ADMS (or if not possible the Job Processor).
Follow these simple steps to activate powerGateServer on completely new server environments, together with all other products included in your subscription:
After successful activation, all these products can be used on the server environment until your licences expire.
If an Internet connection is available, no further activation steps are necessary from now on:
neither after the annual licence renewal nor after unlocking additional products in your subscription.
Only if you had already entered your customer key before the powerGateServer license was added to your subscription, you need to restart the powerGateServer service.
If your subscription allows it, you can also activate additional ADMS machines with your customer key.
Other methods of activation using a serial number
The classic way to activate powerGateServer is by using a serial number.
Use this activation method, for example, if there is no internet connection on the server environment or if you want to activate an older powerGateServer version (v21 and v22).
Further details can be found in the second section on activations via serial numbers “For products with version 20.x - 24.x”.
To register the serial number for this product, the powerGateServer specific License Information dialog is required:
Open it via the Start Menu and navigate to “All Apps → coolOrange → License Manager” and search for “powerGateServer”.
Then click on the “Trial” link (or on the already displayed serial number).
Alternatively, you can start the ‘powerGateServer 22.0 System Tray’ via the Start Menu. Then right-click on the powerGateServer Tray icon and click on the ‘About’ button to use the ‘Licensing Information’ link:

The last option is to start it via the command line:
"C:\Program Files\coolOrange\powerGateServer\License.exe" --Serialnumber="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX" --StandAlone
Depending on whether you have an internet connection on the server environment or not, you can register a signed licence file or the serial number:
Register the serial number of powerGateServer if an internet connection is available.
For an offline activation you need a signed license file.
You can download it from another device using this link: Offline Activation of powerGateServer. Again you need the serial number of powerGateServer, as well as the Machine Code which is displayed in the License Information dialog on the server environment.Note
Please note that after the annual licence renewal this offline activation must be updated on your ADMS or Job Processor. Further information can be found here.
Are you having problems with the Activation?
To check on the server whether the products of your subscription are activated, you can open the Licence Manager via the Start Menu by navigating to “All Apps → coolOrange → License Manager”.
For further information about the powerGateServer license, open the License Information dialog to see the remaining days until the licence expires.
On the server, the Vault administrator will see notifications and Event Viewer logs about the coolOrange subscription that needs to be renewed, in the last 30 days before this licence expires.
License expired
If the powerGateServer license expires, all Vault workstations with ERP integration are informed about the expired license.
The powerGateServer can then no longer serve any requests and all incoming requests - except /$medata
requests - are answered with a LicenseException response.
On the server, Vault administrator can find logs about the expired license in the Event Viewer and a Windows notification is displayed when the System Tray Icon is started.