BOM Window
The BOM Window exposes a mulit-level bill of material and each item, which is included in the BOM.
The BOM Tab displays the BOM with all its rows including sub-level BOMs.

When the whole BOM tree finished loading, the Check1 button can be pressed in order to compare the selected BOMs with the ones on the ERP side.
It shows us whether the BOM exists, has differences or is identical to the one on the ERP side.
The result will be displayed in the Icon2 on the left of the BOM name (No icon next to the BOM name means the status is Unknown).
Same goes for the BomRows. All rows of the BOMs will be compared to the ones on the ERP side.
The according result will be displayed as icon in the Status3 column and the according description of the status will be displayed in the Status Details4 column. The Status Details can also be retrieved when hovering over the status icon.
For more details about the different Status Details- and Icons see here.
After the BOMs have been checked, they can be transferred to the ERP System by pressing the Transfer5 Button.
Please note: BOMs can only be transferred when they have been updated to a status other than Unknown.
Depending on the result of the check, the transfer action handles the selected BOMs and its rows differently:
BOMs and BomRows which do not exist in the ERP are getting created.
BOMs and BomRows which already exist in the ERP are ignored during the tranfer action.
For BOMs and BomRows marked as different the transfer action performs an update.
The result will then again be displayed.
By clicking on the Checkbox6 a BOM can be skipped from the Check and Transfer operation.
The items of those BomRows will be automatically disabled in the Item Tab.
Item Tab
Clicking on the item Tab will display all the items of the BOM including the RootItem.
If an item is located more then once in the BOM Window, it will be displayed just once.

By pressing the Check1 Button the selected Items will be compared with the ones on the ERP side.
It shows us whether the Item does not exist, whether it has differences or it is identical.
The according result will be displayed in the Status2 column and the according description of the status will be displayed in the Status Details3 column. The Status Details can also be retrieved when hovering over the status icon.
For more details about the different Status Details- and Icons see here.
After the Items have been checked, they can be transfered to ERP System by pressing the Transfer4 Button.
Depending on the result of the check, the transfer action handles the selected items differently:
Items which do not exist in the ERP are getting created.
Items which already exist in the ERP are ignored during the transfer action.
For items marked as different the transfer action performs an update.
The result will then again be displayed as for the Check operation.
By clicking on the Checkbox5 an Item can be skipped from the Check and Transfer operation.
The Usages Count6 (in German: Anzahl Verwendungen) can be displayed using the FieldChooser.
It provides us information about how often an item is located in the BOM Window.
The BOM Window can handle errors that occur when loading the BOM tree.
The affected BOMs are marked with an Error Icon, indicating that retrieving its rows failed.

Also errors occurring during Check or Transfer operations are handled by the BOM Window.
When an operation aborts, the remaining BOMs, rows or Items that where not processed, are automatically marked with an Unknown Icon.