Workflow Settings
The Workflow Settings dialog allows to create, modify and remove workflow settings and mappings.
After confirming the Workflow name, Fusion Lifecycle Workspace and Vault Entity Type in the New Workflow dialog, this dialog will open.
The dialog can be started even by double-clicking a workflow entry in the Configuration-Manager dialog.
Unique Identifier
For the Fusion 360 Manage Workspace and the Vault Entity the unique field must be chosen, that is used to identify the Fusion 360 Manage Item with the according Vault Entity and vice versa.

1. Fusion Lifecycle FileId
The field name which is the unique identifier for the Item in the selected Fusion 360 Manage Workspace.
2. Vault Property
The field name which is the unique identifier for the selected Entity Type in Vault.
Workflow Setting(s)
The Workflow Settings section allows to create, modify and remove settings. These settings are retrieved in the workflow (e.g. the powerJobs Job) and can have constant or dynamic values.

1. Name
Name of the setting. Used to get the value in the workflow by using the $workflow variable.
For instance $workflow.Some_text_setting
2. Type
Possible Datatypes of the settings are:
Text |
Boolean |
Number |
Date |
FLC Item Details Field |
FLC BOM Field |
FLC Grid Field |
FLC State |
The Fusion Lifecycle workflow states can be configred in: Administration->Workspace Manager->[Workspace]->Workflow Editor. |
FLC States |
List of multiple workflow states. Similar to FLC State type. |
Vault Category |
The name of a Vault Category that is available for the selected Vault Entity Type can be chosen. |
Vault Lifecycle Definition |
Vault Lifecycle State |
Vault Lifecycle States |
Vault Property |
The name of a Vault Property that is available for the selected Vault Entity Type can be chosen. |
Vault Folder |
In the Vault folder browser a target Folder must be chosen and its Vault Path will be configured. |
Local Folder |
3. Value
A constant value for the field or an expression that is evaluated when the workflow is executed. Clicking on the button opens a dialog to set the value.
4. New Workflow Setting
5. Remove Workflow Setting
The button removes the currently selected setting from the table.
6. Move Workflow Setting
The and
buttons move the selected row in the table up or down.
Write protected settings
Settings on imported workflows can be write protected and are displayed in a blue bold font.
The name and type of those settings can not be changed.
Field Mappings
The Field mappings section allows to crate, modify and delete field mapping groups.

Field mapping groups can be edited by double-clicking the entry which will open the Field Mappings dialog.
1. New Field Mapping group
The button opens the dialog to create a new field mapping group.
2. Remove Field Mapping group
The button removes the currently selected field mapping group from the table.
3. Move Field Mapping group
The and
buttons move the selected row in the table up or down.
Create new Field Mapping

1. Mapping Name
Name of the mapping group, must be unique in the workflow.
2. Fusion Lifecycle Field Type
Possible values are:
Item Field
BOM Field
Grid Field
3. Vault Entity Type
Possible values are:
Change Order
Custom Object
Bill of Materials
Field Mappings Dialog
Field Mappings are used to map Vault properties or functions to Fusion Lifecycle fields.
The properties from the Vault Property column will be copied to the field configured in the Fusion Lifecycle Field column, when a Fusion 360 Manage representation of the according Vault Entity is created in Fusion Lifecycle.

As many mappings as needed can be configured.
Mandatory Fusion Lifecycle fields
Mandatory fields in Fusion 360 Manage Lifecycle must be mapped with the appropriate Vault property, otherwise the according Workflow Job will fail.
1. Mapping target
A Fusion Lifecycle field of the selected field type e.g. Item field
2. Mapping Source: Vault Property
Vault property of the selected entity type e.g. Item property.
3. Mapping source: Function
In some situations Item fields cannot be mapped directly to Vault properties, because the required information is not available as entity-property at all. In such cases a PowerShell Function can be can be selected by clicking the button.
Available functions are: GetVaultName
, GetVaultServer
, GetVaultPersistentId
, GetVaultThickClientLink
, GetItemPositionNumber
Additional functions can be added to the file: “%ProgramData%\coolOrange\powerJobs\Modules\coolOrange.powerFLC.Workflows.MappingFunctions.psm1”.
Please note that every configured Function gets executed for each individual Vault entity.
Therefore, many Vault API- or Fusion 360 Manage requests within these PowerShell functions can have a major impact on the execution time of the workflow job!
4. New Field Mapping
5. Remove Field Mapping
The button removes the currently selected Field Mapping from the table.
6. Move Field Mapping
The and
buttons move the selected row in the table up or down.