powerPLM (powerFLC)

powerPLM (powerFLC) allows the exchange of data between Vault and Fusion 360 Manage as well as PowerShell and Fusion 360 Manage.
This is made possible through Workflows and a set of PowerShell Cmdlets.
The powerFLC module provides commandlets that allow creating scripts for automating the work with Fusion 360 Manage.
These Cmdlets allow to communicate with your Fusion 360 Manage Tenant in an easy to use and customizable way.
In order to create a solution for your own defined scenarios when working within Vault Client and exchanging data with Fusion 360 Manage, powerPLM (powerFLC) provides an according Configuration-Manager dialog to easily configure such a Workflows. Pre-installed powerJobs Processor jobs act as examples for the most common transfer scenarios from Vault to Fusion 360 Manage or vice versa.