Multilingual Vault support

Since powerVault object like File, Item, FileBomRow, ItemBomRow etc. are structured in a way that all Vault properties are directly accessible via there display name, your jobs could looks something like this:

if( $file.'File Name'.EndsWith('.ipt')) {

This job will only work on english Vault environments. When running against a german Vault Server the equivalent job would look like this:

if( $file.'Dateiname'.EndsWith('.ipt')) {

If you need to write language neutral scripts that are running independent of the Vault language, powerVault gives you the possibility to access all the default Vault Properties with there System Name too. Following script would work on both, german and english Vault environment:

if( $file._Name.EndsWith('.ipt')) {

Property System Names

PowerVault Objects have all the properties attached via their display names. Additionally, all the default properties are attached in the syntax “_SystemName”.


Not all the properties are accessible via this approach on powerVault entities!

Custom User Defined Properties e.g. are are not part of the default Vault Properties List since they have system names that are not human readable (they contain {GUID} values).

To get a list of all the properties that are available via their system names, just run following command on the entity that you want.
For files the property list can be retrieved like this:

$file | Format-List -Property _*
_Classification            : None
_VersionNumber            : 13
_Comment                  : Property Edit
_NumManualAttachments     : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo
_DateVersionCreated       : 19.04.2018 17:35:26
_CreateUserName           : coolOrange
_CheckInDate              : 19.04.2018 17:35:26
_ClientFileName           : Pad Lock.iam
_ClientFileName(Ver)      : Pad Lock.iam
_ModDate                  : 19.04.2018 17:35:20
_FileSize                 : 1064448
_ItemLinked               : True
_CheckoutLocalSpec        :
_CheckoutMachine          :
_CheckoutDate             : 19.04.2018 17:35:24
_CheckoutUserName         :
_Hidden                   : False
_LatestVersion            : True
_ControlledByChangeOrder  : False
_ChangeOrderState         :
_VisualizationAttachment  : None
_Originator               : coolOrange
_OrigCreateDate           : 09.09.2015 16:00:20
_Thumbnail                : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ThumbnailInfo
_Provider                 : Inventor
_iLogicRuleStatus         :
_FolderPath               : $/Designs/Padlock/Assemblies
_Name                     : Pad Lock.iam
_Extension                : iam
_Compliance               : Compliant
_Compliance(Ver)          : Compliant
_LatestReleasedRevision   : False
_ReleasedRevision         : False
_InitReleaseDate          :
_InitApprover             :
_CategoryName             : Base
_CategoryName(Ver)        : Base
_CategoryGlyph            : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo
_CategoryGlyph(Ver)       : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo
_LifeCycleDefinition      :
_LifeCycleDefinition(Ver) :
_State                    :
_State(Ver)               :
_RevisionDefinition       :
_RevisionDefinition(Ver)  :
_Revision                 :
_FileReplicated           : True
_Author                   : B. ROEPKE
_Comments                 :
_Keywords                 : Vault, Tutorial, Padlock
_RevNumber                :
_Subject                  : test
_Title                    : Pad Lock
_Company                  : Autodesk, Inc.
_DWGCreatorName           :
_DWGCreatorVersion        :
_CheckedBy                :
_Cost                     : 17
_CostCenter               :
_CreationDate             :
_Description              : PAD LOCK ASSEMBLY
_Material                 :
_PartNumber               : ERP-41881007
_StockNumber              :
_UserStatus               :
_GeoRss                   :
_Designer                 : B. ROEPKE
_Engineer                 : B. ROEPKE
_EngrApprovedBy           : D. BRISSON
_Manager                  : klaus
_MfgApprovedBy            :
_Project                  : PADLOCK
_TypeTag                  :
_ItemAssignable           : True
_Obsolete                 : False
_HasDrawing               : True
_HasParentRelationship    : True
_HasModelState            :
_IsTableDriven            :
_IsTrueModelState         :
_LatestReleaseDate        :
_LatestApprover           :
_EntityType               : File
_EntityTypeID             : FILE
_EntityIcon               : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo
_EntityPath               : $/Designs/Padlock/Assemblies
_FullPath                 : $/Designs/Padlock/Assemblies/Pad Lock.iam
_HasAttachments           : False
_LinkTargetPath           :
_EntityDescription        : Autodesk Inventor Assembly
_VaultStatus              : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.EntityStatusImageInfo
_VaultStatusModifier      : False