Job Configuration
By extending the Vault Client, powerJobs Processor provides a dialog to configure various features of jobs directly in the Vault Client.
This includes displaying and editing powerJobs Job Settings, configuring smart triggers for the automatic queueing of jobs or controling whether jobs should be available in the Vault context menu.
The powerJobs Settings Dialog is only available on the machine on which the powerJobs Processor is installed!
powerJobs Settings Dialog
The powerJobs Settings Dialog can be opened via the Tools → powerJobs Settings… menu entry in the Vault Client.

The powerJobs Settings Dialog supports the following features:
Viewing and modifying Job Settings
Viewing and modifying Job Triggers
The dialog allows configuring settings of all the jobs in the jobs directory on the current Job Processor machine.
Newly created jobs in the jobs directory are displayed as soon as the dialog is closed and re-opened.
When a Vault entity (File, Item, Folder, Change Order or Custom Object) is selected in the Vault Client and the powerJobs Settings Dialog is opened, a job of the selected job type can be submitted for testing purposes.
Once a user has logged-in to the Vault Client the powerJobs Settings Dialog is accessible.
On startup of the dialog a check whether the Job Queue is enabled on the current Vault Server is performed and it tries to enable it in case it is disabled.
The logged-in user must have the following Vault permissions to perform these actions:
Vault Get Options to check if the Job Queue is enabled
Vault Set Options to enable the Job Queue on the Vault Server
By default, the required Vault permissions are already assigned to most of the available roles in Vault.
To edit Job Settings or Job Triggers the following requirements must be met in addition to the previously mentioned Vault permissions:
The selected job must be have a valid Vault entity assigned.
This implies that jobs designed for Items, Change Orders and Custom Objects can only be edited by the Setting Dialog within Vault Professional.
Jobs with no entity type assigned can not be edited.
In case the requirements are not met, the status bar of the dialog provides according information.
Queueing Jobs
The Submit Job button adds a job of the selected type to the Job Queue for the currently selected entity in the Vault Client.
The job will be triggered for the exact version of the selected Vault entity.
The job can be changed by clicking the arrow on the right of the combobox and selecting a different entry.
The status bar then provides information on whether the job was successfully queued.

Jobs that are added to the Job Queue using the powerJobs Settings Dialog are queued with entity specific parameters such as the EnitiyId and EntityType of the selected elements and are queued with priority 1 which is the highest job priority.
The powerJobs Settings Dialog supports triggering jobs for Files, Items, Folders, Change Orders and Custom Objects.
The following parameters are passed to the Job:
(with value “FILE” for Files, etc.)
These parameters are used in the Setup Job script to automatically create the Powershell representation of the entity ($File
, $Folder
, Item
, Changeorder
, Customobject