
Gets the Bill of Materials data from the CAD BOM of the specified file.


Get-VaultFileBom -File <String> -GetChildrenBy <BomRowVersionType> [<CommonParameters>]





Default value




Full path to the file




Indicates for which model state representation of the Inventor file the BOM should be retrieved.
Possible options are Master, All or the name of the model state representation





Which version of the children should be retrieved.
Possible options are ExactVersion, LatestVersion, LatestReleasedVersion and LatestReleasedVersionOfRevision



Return type

FileBomRow[] ← on success
empty ← on failure


The Cmdlet generates and provides the Structured file BOM and supports the following component types:

  • Normal:
     Components with type Normal have no special characteristics and are included in quantity calculations.

  • Phantom:
     Components with type Phantom are ignored in the BOM but their children are promoted and included in the quantity calculations.
    Multiple same components can end up at the same level in the bill of materials when they get promoted.
    They will end up as a single FileBomRow with summed quantities.

  • Reference:
     Components with type Reference and their children are ignored in the BOM and are treated as if they do not exist.

Read more about the different BOM structures here.

For Inventor files with multiple model states the Bill of Materials of all the different design representations can be retrieved.
These can differ, for example, by suppressed components (which are not returned) or model state components with different part numbers.

Individual component instances which have different Instance Properties assigned are returned as single FileBomRow when the “Merge Instance Rows” option is enabled in Inventor 2023 or newer.

In situations where no CAD BOM information is available in Vault, the cmdlet behaves similar to the Vault “Assign Items” functionality.
For Inventor files, for example, the Structured BOM View should be activated, otherwise empty position numbers and row orders will be returned. Also, the cmdlet returns emtpy for iAssembly and iPart factories.

The different child component search strategies can be specified via GetChildrenBy option.
For strategies different than ExactVersion, it is possible that less FileBomRows are returned when they where removed in the detected Vault file version.
Like the Vault “Assign Items” functionality, also new components added in later Vault file versions are returned with empty position numbers and with row orders of 0.

The cmdlet handles files with missing CAD BOMs, BOMs that contain references to unresolvable Vault files or removed model states by returning all the intact and the corrupted FileBomRows with all the data it can provide. Accessing other properties can lead to exceptions.





By default only the FileBomRows from the first model state entry, named Master, are returned.


All the available model states are returned, even if they have the same part number or delegated BOMs.
Thus, such representations include also a Master model state component or components for automatically migrated Level Of Details or Substitute model states.

{name of the model state}

Specify the name of a non-master model state (or Substitute model states) to retrieve its BOM representation.

Known issue with Model States and Vault Client 2022

When working with Inventor 2022 it is recommended to install the Vault 2022.3 Update (Client) or newer as several issues related to FileBOMs and Model States were addressed in the Inventor Vault Add-in.





Get the exact version of the component.


Get the latest version of the component.


Get the latest released version of the component. If no released version is found, the exact version is used.


Get the latest released version from the same revision. If no released version is found in the Revision, the exact version is used.


Display the Structured file BOM for Pad Lock in Console

$file = Get-VaultFile -Properties @{Name = "Pad Lock.iam"}
$fileBom = Get-VaultFileBOM -File $file._fullPath

#Print BOM data as Table like in Inventor
$fileBom | sort-object {[int]$_.Bom_PositionNumber} | Format-Table Bom_PositionNumber,Bom_Number,Bom_Structure,Bom_Quantity,Bom_ItemQuantity,Bom_UnitQuantity,Bom_Unit

Bom_PositionNumber Bom_Number Bom_Structure Bom_Quantity Bom_ItemQuantity Bom_UnitQuantity Bom_Unit
------------------ ---------- ------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- --------
1                  100002     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
2                  100004     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
3                  100005     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
4                  100006     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
5                  100008     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
6                  100011     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
7                  100010     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
8                  100003     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
9                  100012     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
10                 100016     Normal                   1                1                1 Each
11                 100009     Normal                   1                1                1 Each

Get the latest released file BOM data of assembly which includes new components in Phantom

$fileBom = Get-VaultFileBOM -File "$/Designs/AssemblyWithPhantom.iam" -GetChildrenBy LatestReleasedVersion

#Print BOM data of latest released component versions, including the promoted Phantom components
$fileBom | Format-Table Bom_RowOrder,Bom_PositionNumber,Bom_Number,Bom_Structure,Bom_Quantity,Bom_ItemQuantity,Bom_UnitQuantity,Bom_Unit
Bom_RowOrder Bom_PositionNumber Bom_Number Bom_Structure Bom_Quantity Bom_ItemQuantity Bom_UnitQuantity Bom_Unit
------------ ------------------ ---------- ------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- --------
0                               NewPart    Normal                   1                1                1 Each
2            5                  Part2      Normal                   2                2                1 Each

Retrieve the file BOM for all assembly model states

$file = Get-VaultFile -File '$/Designs/caster_w_MS.iam'
if($file._HasModelState -eq $null -or $file._HasModelState -ne $true) {
	Write-Host "File $($file._Name) is not an Inventor file or has only one Master model state!"

$allModelStates = Get-VaultFileBOM -File '$/Designs/caster_w_MS.iam' -ModelStateType All

foreach($modelState in $allModelStates) {
	Write-Host "$($modelState._Name) ($($modelState.Bom_ModelState)): $($modelState.'Bom_Part Number')" -NoNewline

	$fileBom = Get-VaultFileBOM -File '$/Designs/caster_w_MS.iam' -ModelStateType $modelState.Bom_ModelState
	$fileBom | Format-Table Bom_RowOrder,Bom_PositionNumber,Bom_Number,Bom_Structure,Bom_ModelState,Bom_Quantity,Bom_ItemQuantity,Bom_UnitQuantity,Bom_Unit
	Write-Host ""

caster_w_MS.iam (Master): FP-1000
Bom_RowOrder Bom_PositionNumber Bom_Number      Bom_Structure Bom_ModelState Bom_Quantity Bom_ItemQuantity Bom_UnitQuantity Bom_Unit
------------ ------------------ --------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- --------
1            1                  top plate       Normal        Master                    1                1                1 Each
2            2                  support arm     Normal        Simplified                2                2                1 Each
3            3                  HEX FLANGE SREW Normal        Welded                    4                4                1 Each
4            4                  bushing         Normal        Master                    2                2                1 Each

caster_w_MS.iam (Stage2): FP-3000
Bom_RowOrder Bom_PositionNumber Bom_Number      Bom_Structure Bom_ModelState  Bom_Quantity Bom_ItemQuantity Bom_UnitQuantity Bom_Unit
------------ ------------------ --------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------- --------
1            1                  top plate       Normal        Master                     1                1                1 Each
2            2                  support arm     Normal        Simplified                 2                2                1 Each
4            4                  bushing         Normal        Face machining             1                1                1 Each

Skip BomRows of unconditionally removed or erroneous file components

$fileBom = ( Get-VaultFileBOM -File "$/Designs/CorruptFileBom.iam" -GetChildrenBy LatestVersion ) | foreach {
	try {
		$successfullyRetrievedBomNumber = $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Bom_Number
		return $_
	} catch {
		# Skip unconditionally removed or erronous file component, similar as Vault "Assign Items" functionality