License Activation
This section explains how products are activated and how to change the active license with the License Information Tool .
Activate License
After a license has been registered in the License Information tool it tries to fetch the license data from the license server and displays it.
The license details might be inaccurate when there is no internet connection available.
To activate a product on a machine with no internet connection an offline activation is possible, more information on that can be found in the Offline Activation section of this page.

An activation of a license is always bound to a specific user and machine (which we also refer to in general as a seat).
When a license is registered on a machine and multiple users launch the product, it will activate for each user.
Using Serial Numbers
In order to activate / register a license you first have to open the License Information tool. You can find more information where the License Information tool is located here.
To activate the license using a serial number follow these steps:
Click the Change license button
In the Type combo box select the licensing model that the serial number was issued for
Enter the serial number
Click the Register License button

After that you can close the License Dialog and launch the product.
When a serial number is used to activate the license, the product will automatically create a local copy of the license file on first startup.
This is done for performance reasons and to avoid outages in case of a temporary internet connection problem.
The location of the license file is usually %localAppData%\coolOrange\<ProductName>.
Activations via serial number require an internet connection.
The following domain needs to be accessible on TCP port 443 ‘’.
Using Activation Files
Some of the licensing models support an offline activation process using an activation file and a machine code.
The license activation file can be generated using the serial number and the machine code. Further information on how to generate the activation files can be found on the manage your licenses page.
To activate the license using the activation file follow these steps:
Click the Change license button in the License Information Tool
In the Type combo box select the licensing model that the activation file was created for
Select the Activation File option
Click the folder icon on the right
Navigate to the activation file using the file selection dialog and click Open
Click the Register License button
It is recommended to place the activation file in the local app data directory of the product (%localappdata%/coolOrange/<productName>/) as it is connected to a specific machine and user.
The users that will use an activation file need to have permission to read the file.
More information on which licensing models support offline activation can be found in the detailed description of the corresponding model on the Licensing Models page.
Activating via Command-line
To simplify automated activations / deployments the License Information tool can be used without a graphical interface and command line arguments.
The available arguments for the License Information tool are:
License.exe [--Tokens --SerialNumber=<License Serial> ] [--StandAlone [--SerialNumber=<License Serial> | --ActivationFile="<PathToActivationFile>"]]
Example: Activating a Token license using a serial number:
start /Wait License.exe --Tokens --Serialnumber="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
Example: Activating a Stand-Alone license using a serial number:
start /Wait License.exe --StandAlone --Serialnumber="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
Example: Activating a Stand-Alone license using a downloaded activation file:
start /Wait License.exe --StandAlone --ActivationFile="C:\Users\coolOrange\AppData\Local\coolOrange\powerJobs\licensekey.skm"

After a successful activation the License.exe returns with exit code 0.
In case of a problem during the activation the License.exe returns with exit code -1 and an error message is displayed in the Command-line.
When the –ActivationFile path contains white spaces e.g. C:\Program Files\ it has to be quoted. Absolute or relative paths can be specified, but at the end the path will always be saved as an absolute path.
When passing an invalid activation file but the license connected to the file is valid, the tool will automatically try to get the license over the internet and activate the product.
Offline Activation
Some licensing models support a full offline activation process using an activation file. More information which licensing models support this can be found on the Licensing Models page.
Instructions on how to create and download an activation file can be found on the manage your licenses page.
After generating and downloading an activation file for a specific license, a normal activation using the activation file can be carried out.
If the registered license is not supporting a full offline activation or is not valid, the product will try to connect to the license server to automatically refresh license information.
Additional steps are required to update an offline activation when the license is renewed. See the Renewal section
Change License
In some cases it might be desired to change the current license or the licensing model.
Changing License with Serial Number
If the current license was activated using a serial number, open the License Information Dialog and click the Change License button.
Enter the details of the new license that should be activated and confirm the changes by clicking the Register License button.

Changing License with Activation File
To change the License click the Change License button to enter new license details, click the Register License button to confirm the change.
Alternatively, the existing Activation File can be replaced with the new Activation File but the location and filename need to stay exactly the same.
License Renewal
To extend or renew an existing license please contact After receiving the invoice also containing the license details, the license is renewed.
In most cases the serial number stays the same when the license is renewed or extended. Depending on how the license was activated, different actions are required to renew the product activation.
License renewal with Serial Number
When a Serial Number was used to activate the product and the serial number did not change after renewing the license, the product will automatically fetch the renewed license and update the local activation.
License renewal with Activation File
Products that are activated using an Activation File require an updated Activation File after renewal as it contains the license details.
A new Activation File needs to be generated for the renewed license, the old file should be replaced by the new one. If the new Activation File is placed in the same directory and has the same filename no other changes are required.
Placing the Activation File in a different directory or using a new filename requires updating the location in the License Information dialog.