# Getting Started qJob helps Vault users to queue jobs directly from the vault client. Two context menu are delivered together with qJob to get started. They trigger *autodesk.vault.syncproperties* job, one of the default jobs delivered with the Autodesk's Vault. ```{image} /img/context_menus1.png :width: 400px :align: right ``` ## Sync Properties Sync properties menu item will add the Autodesk Vault's sync properties job to the job queue for the selected files, folders and custom objects. ## Sync Properties and Create DWF Sync properties and Create DWF menu item will add the same job as above to the job queue for the selected files, folders and custom objects. Additionally it will create the DWF for the files. Only files with following extensions .iam, .idw, .dwg, .ipn, .ipt are supported. After selecting the entities, click on one of the added context menu. If there were no issues, you will find a new job added to the job queue. Open the job queue to confirm that the jobs are added for the selected entities. ```{image} /img/job_queue.png :align: right ``` ## Add your menu item You can add your own custom menu item to add jobs. If you want to add your own menu items, check out how to do it under the []().