# Configuration ```{toctree} :glob: true :hidden: true configuration/* ``` *MenuSettings.xml* is where you configure to have your menus appear in the Vault client. It can be found in folder *C:\\ProgramData\\Autodesk\\ApplicationPlugins\\coolOrange.qJob.bundle\\Contents\\\\\*.\ The config file can be edited with every editor. We recommend XML editors like the [XML Notepad]() from Microsoft. ## Param For adding parameters to the Job, add \\ to the job item. | Attribute | Description | Required | Default Value | |-----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|-------------------| | Key | the name of the parameter that will be added to the job when the job is added to the job queue. | Yes | Default Parameter | | Value | the value of the parameter | Yes | | ## Jobs Job can be defined in the Jobs elements | Attribute | Description | Required | Default Value | |-------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|--------------------------| | Name | Name of the job. For coolOrange PowerShell jobs, the name should be without the .ps1 extension | Yes | | | Priority | Job priority. Lower the value, higher is the job priority. | No | 1 | | Description | Job description | No | Default Job Descripition | | Children | Set of parameters which you want to pass to the job. Can be zero or more.
For params other than standard ones, the job should be able to receive and process it. | No | | ## MenuItem Adding a menu can be done by adding an another child in MenuItem. The name of the node must be unique and is used as id for adding it to the command site. | Attribute | Description | Required | Default Value | |--------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|---------------| | Label | Label string for the command, must be quoted | Yes | | | Description | Description text for the menucommand. Must be quoted | Yes | empty string | | Hint | Hint string, must be quoted | No | empty string | | Image | Name of a bitmap file that contains the image for the menu command.
Image should be 16×16 or 32×32, value must be quoted. | No | | | ToolbarPaintStyle | Controls how the item is drawn on toolbars, values are Text, Glyph, TextAndGlyph | No | TextAndGlyph | | NavigationTypes | comma separated list of entities for which this command should be active.
Values are Bom, ChangeOrder, File, FileVersion, Folder, Item, Other.
If the type is custom object, then use the defintion name (GUID) of the custom object. | Yes | null | | MultiSelectEnabled | If true, command is active for multiple selections, can be true or false | No | false | | Children | job elements that this menu item will trigger. Name should be same as one of the name of Jobs.
Can be zero or more child elements. | Yes | | ## CommandSite Menu item will only appear when it is added to a command site. Again the node name must be unique. | Attribute | Description | Required | Default Value | |------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|---------------| | Label | String displayed as the label, e.g. for submenus, quoted | Yes | qJob | | DeployAsPulldown | If true, used as submenu, values are true or false | No | false | | Location | Specifies the location of the command site within the Vault CLient UI,
values are StandardToolbar, AdvancedToolbar, BehaviorsToolbar, ItemBomToolbar,
FileMenu, EditMenu, ActionsMenu, ToolsMenu, HelpMenu, FileContextMenu, FolderContextMenu,
ChangeOrderContextMenu, ItemContextMenu. For Custom Objects, use the defintion name (GUID) of the custom object. | Yes | null | | Children | elements that will be added to the command sites. Name should be same as one of the name of MenuItems. Can be zero or more child elements. | Yes | |