# Change Order The ChangeOrder object is of type PsObject and represents a Change Order item in Vault. The \$changeOrder object is dynamically generated based on the defined ChangeOrder Properties in Vault.\ The properties are named the same as in Vault, including whitespaces. If you want to access such a property you have to enclose it in single quotes. ## Syntax ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $changeOrder._Number ``` The following properties are always added : | Type | Name | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | long | Id | The unique identifier for the object. | | string | Routing | The unique name of the Routing that the Change Order was created with. | | [Uri]() | ThinClientHyperLink | The unique Hyperlink to the Change Order, that redirects to the Autodesk ThinClient | | [Uri]() | ThickClientHyperLink | The unique Hyperlink to the Change Order, that redirects to Autodesk Vault Client | ## Localization \$changeOrder is supporting this [feature](): - all active properties can be accessed via the displayName - all active properties can be accessed via \_SystemName **except:** the ones with guids (=user defined) ## Examples **Accessing 'Number of Items' property for different Vault languages** ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $changeOrder.'Number of Items' #can be used with English Vault $changeOrder.'Anzahl Artikel' #can be used with German Vault $changeOrder._NumItems #can be used with all Vault language environments ``` **ChangeOrder-object** on an english environment: ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: Created By : coolOrange _CreateUserName : coolOrange Date Modified : 30.11.2017 13:03:58 _ModDate : 30.11.2017 13:03:58 Name : ECO-0000022 _Name : ECO-0000022 State : Review _State : Review Last Updated By : coolOrange _LastModifiedUserName : coolOrange Number : ECO-0000022 _Number : ECO-0000022 Title (Item,CO) : New Variation - High Welding Frame _Title(Item,CO) : New Variation - High Welding Frame Description (Item,CO) : Please copy this design to create a new High Welding Frame. H = 2100mm W = 600mm D = 600mm A = 60 deg _Description(Item,CO) : Please copy this design to create a new High Welding Frame. H = 2100mm W = 600mm D = 600mm A = 60 deg Due Date : 11.05.2018 10:19:00 _ApproveDeadline : 11.05.2018 10:19:00 Submitted By : coolOrange _SubmitUser : coolOrange Date Submitted : 30.11.2017 13:03:07 _SubmitDate : 30.11.2017 13:03:07 Date Created : 08.05.2017 10:27:39 _CreationDate(CO) : 08.05.2017 10:27:39 Number of File Attachments : 0 _NumFileAttachments : 0 Number of Items : 1 _NumItems : 1 Entity Type : Change Order _EntityType : Change Order Entity Type ID : CO _EntityTypeID : CO Entity Icon : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo _EntityIcon : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo Path : _EntityPath : Full Path : _FullPath : Attachments : False _HasAttachments : False Link Target Path : _LinkTargetPath : Date Modified (Date Only) : 30.11.2017 00:00:00 Date Modified (Time Only) : 01.01.0001 13:03:00 Due Date (Date Only) : 11.05.2017 00:00:00 Due Date (Time Only) : 01.01.0001 10:19:00 Date Submitted (Date Only) : 30.11.2017 00:00:00 Date Submitted (Time Only) : 01.01.0001 13:03:00 Date Created (Date Only) : 08.05.2017 00:00:00 Date Created (Time Only) : 01.01.0001 10:27:00 Type Description : Change Order _EntityDescription : Change Order Vault Status : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.EntityStatusImageInfo _VaultStatus : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.EntityStatusImageInfo Id : 101368 MasterId : 101368 PersistentId : PersistentMasterId : Routing : Production Change ThinClientHyperLink : http://localhost/AutodeskTC/Vault/changeorders/changeorder/101368 ThickClientHyperLink : http://localhost/AutodeskDM/Services/EntityDataCommandRequest.aspx?Vault=Vault&ObjectId=ECO-0000022&ObjectType=ECO&Command=Select ```