# Logging powerGate uses [Apache log4net]() as core logging library, and additionally [PostSharp Diagnostics]() for extended Debug logging.\ By default, all the logs are stored in a logfile located in *'C:\\Users\\\{USER}\\AppData\\Local\\coolOrange\\powerGate\\Logs\\powerGate.log'* and it contains only Warnings and Errors.\ Perhaps you can find backups of previous logfiles in this directory.\ The log4net settings file is located in C:\\Program Files\\coolOrange\\Modules\\powerGate\\powerGate.log4net.\ Further information about log4Net Configurations can be found [here](). ## Log requests and responses PowerGate has the opportunity to customize the format of the traced requests that are send to the server, and the received responses. ### Log Level powerGate has a special logging level called **TRAFFIC**. In this level all **requests** and **responses** will be logged. The level is located in the order between **DEBUG** and **INFO**, but you can even adjust this by changing the value '30001' in these lines: ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` In the following link you will find the default log levels associated with the numeric values they have at the bottom: [Level.cs]() If you want to change the logging level for all appenders e.g. to "TRAFFIC", please visit the root logger and change the level in the lines: ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` you can configure the required [logging level](). You could set the level to "DEBUG", than all the levels above Debug and also Debug will be logged. :::{note} When increasing the loglevel for the root logger, please make sure your favorite appenders minlevel is configured to allow logging messages with the specified level. ::: ### When to change the logging behavior? When you have issues or when you want to get a more detailed knowledge about what powerGate is doing, you can increase the [logging level](). :::{note} When changing the loglevel to DEBUG [PostSharp Diagnostics]() will be enabled and will log all the function calls into the log files. This could cause performance issues ::: Additionally you can change the logfile location or integrate the logging mechanism into your administrative environment by using build in EventLogMessages etc. ### TrafficPatternLayout Each appender has its own layout that defines how the log-messages are formatted. By using the special Layout **powerGate.Erp.Client.Traffic.TrafficPatternLayout** you have the possibility to configure two new ConverstionPatterns: **RequestConversionPattern**, **ResponseConversionPattern**. The **TrafficPatternLayout** has all the functionality of a simple [PatternLayout]() too. That means all logs that are not Requests or Responses can be configured by using the default **ConversionPattern** node.\ Therefore all the available conversion pattern names from [PatternLayout]() are available for the TrafficPatternLayout too. ### RequestConversionPattern This pattern applies when a **request** gets logged and additionally you have access to following options: ```{code-block} :linenos: %Request{Protocol} %Request{ProtocolVersion} %Request{Method} %Request{Url} %Request{Headers} %Request{Body} ``` For instance you are able to log something like this: ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` This will result in logs like:\ *Called: GET on localhost:8080/pgs/ERP/MaterialService/Materials* ### ResponseConversionPattern This pattern applies when a **response** gets logged and additionally you have access to following options: ```{code-block} :linenos: %Response{Protocol} %Response{ProtocolVersion} %Response{StatusCode} %Response{Status} %Response{Headers} %Response{Body} ``` For instance you are able to log something like this: ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` This will result in logs like:\ *Received: 200 OK* ## LogFile You can see, that there are multiple logging-Appenders used. If you want to change the [logging level]() in the logfile, please visit following appender: ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` In the lines ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` you can configure the logginglevel. You could set the minimal filter level to "DEBUG", than all the levels between the range Debug and Fatal will be logged. In the line ```{code-block} xml :linenos: ``` you can configure the outputpath and name of the logfile. ## PowerShell IDE powerShell IDE's like powerShell console (and powerShell ISE) are configured to show the logging levels in a different color. ```{code-block} xml :lineno-start: 38 ``` These and many other options can be configured in the appender named **ColoredConsoleAppender**.