# Using the powerGate Cmdlets ```{image} /img/getting_started/powergate_console.png :width: 450px :class: float-right ``` ## Start the powershell environment In order to get started either open any powershell IDE and load the powerGate Module by calling `Import-Module powerGate` or open the *powerGate Console* shortcut in the start menu, which already loads powerGate for you. ## Connect with ERP system Before you are able to work with your ERP-System you have to connect to [powerGateServer]() or directly your ERP system (if it support's an OData interface).\ This can be done by calling [Connect-Erp](). Some public accessible OData-Services for testing can be found [here](). ## Get multiple entities from ERP After you are connected, you want to work with entities. In order to get the entities you have to know the appropriate **EntitySet**.\ The list of available EntitySet's can be retrieved with the [Get-ERPEntitySets]() commandlet. :::{note} If you want to get the names of the EntitySet's you can access them via [$entitySet.Name]() ::: Now you know the name of the different entitiyTypes, therefore you can finally get some entities with commandlet [Get-ErpObjects](). :::{note} [Get-ErpObjects]() has many optional parameters like **-Top -Filter -Expand**. See detailed documentation for them. ::: ## Get a specific entity from ERP In order to get a specific entity you have to know their key properties which identifies them.\ At this point you probably don't know the **key properties** of the entity. This might help: ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $allEntityTypes = Get-ERPEntityTypes $refPropNames = $allEntityTypes[0].Keys ``` First set up the keys for your entity as a Hashtable: ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $keys = @{ Number="100001" Language="DE" } ``` Execute [Get-ErpObject]() with the mandatory arguments EntitySet and Keys. ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $entity = Get-ERPObject -EntitySet $entitySet.Name -Keys $keys ``` ## Update an existing entity In case you want to change some values of the entity you can achieve this with the [Udpate-ErpObject]() commandlet.\ First setup a Hashtable, with the values you want to update. :::{note} **Key** properties can **NOT** be modified! ::: ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $updatedProperties = @{ Type = "uranium" UnitOfMeasure = "Bq" } ``` Execute the commandlet with the entity-keys and properties and it returns the updated entity. ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $updatedEntity = Update-ERPObject -EntitySet "Materials" -Keys $keys -Properties $updatedProperties ``` ## Add an entity to ERP The [Add-ERPObject]() cmdlet allows you to create a new entity in ERP.\ Again setup a Hashtable with the values of the new entity you want to create. ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $newEntity = @{ Number = "100002" Type = "Einsteinium" UnitOfMeasure = "Bq", } ``` Execute the commandlet with the **EntitySet** you want the entity to create for and your entity hashtable as parameters. ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: Add-ERPObject -EntitySet "Materials" -Properties $newEntity ``` ## Upload file to ERP You may want to attach/link a Pdf file to an entity. This operation is called [Add-ErpMedia]().\ It will create the entity on the server side and upload and link the file with the newly created entity.