# Item The Item object is of type *PsObject* and gets generated based on the Item information from the result of the [Get-BomRows](/code_reference/commandlets/show-bomwindow/required-functions/get-bomrows) function. Therefore \$items are usually extended [powerVault Files](powervault:code_reference/objects/file) or [powerVault Items](powervault:code_reference/objects/item). ## Syntax ```powershell $item._Name ``` Following properties are always available : | Type | Name | Description | |-------------------------------|-----------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [Status](/bom_window/status) | \_Status | The current status of the Item that is displayed in the 'Status' column in the {ref}`Item Tab `. | | string | \_StatusDetails | The Item's [Status Details](/bom_window/status) which are displayed in the *Status Details* column and when hovering over the status icon in the {ref}`Item Tab `. | | string | \_Name | The name of the Item, that gets displayed in the {ref}`Item Tab ` column 'Name'. | ## Remarks A list of \$items gets passed into the functions: - [Check-Items](/code_reference/commandlets/show-bomwindow/required-functions/check-items) - [Transfer-Items](/code_reference/commandlets/show-bomwindow/required-functions/transfer-items) ### Entity Properties Entity properties provide all the properties of an entity and are displayed in the {ref}`Item Tab ` as well as on the according rows in the {ref}`BOM Tab `. At least following **standard property** should always be available: `_Name`. All the other properties are **custom properties** that can be {ref}`additionally displayed ` in the {ref}`Item Tab `.\ For example `Description`, `_Category` or all the other dynamically generated members of a [powerVault File](powervault:code_reference/objects/file) or [Item](powervault:code_reference/objects/item) .