# Show-BomWindow ```{toctree} :glob: true :hidden: true show-bomwindow/* ``` Opens the [BOM Window](/bom_window) for checking and transferring BOM's and materials of Vault [Files](powervault:code_reference/objects/file) or [Items](powervault:code_reference/objects/item). ## Syntax ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: true Show-BomWindow [-Entity] [] ``` ## Parameters | Type | Name | Description | Optional | |-----------|--------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | PSObject | Entity | The main Vault entity for which the BOM will retrieved and displayed.
Typically, a powerVault [File](powervault:code_reference/objects/file) or [Item](powervault:code_reference/objects/item) object is passed.| no | ## Return type **void** ## Remarks The [](/bom_window) retrieves the BOM tree for the passed **-Entity** by calling the method [Get-BomRows](show-bomwindow/required-functions/get-bomrows) recursively.\ Such root elements must provide at least [entity properties](/code_reference/commandlets/show-bomwindow/objects/item#entity-properties) as those provided by powerVault [File](powervault:code_reference/objects/file) or [Item](powervault:code_reference/objects/item) objects.\ However also [custom BOM properties](/code_reference/commandlets/show-bomwindow/objects/bomrow#bom-properties), such as those available on powerVault [FileBomRows](powervault:code_reference/objects/filebomrow) and [ItemBomRows](powervault:code_reference/objects/itembomrow), can be passed and [displayed as columns](/bom_window/customization#customizing-the-layout). In order to customize the Check- and Transfer operations for BOMs and Items, the following functions are required additionally and must be implemented with custom logic: ```{admonition} Required Functions - [Check-Boms](show-bomwindow/required-functions/check-boms) - [Check-Items](show-bomwindow/required-functions/check-items) - [Get-Bomrows](show-bomwindow/required-functions/get-bomrows) - [Transfer-Boms](show-bomwindow/required-functions/transfer-boms) - [Transfer-Items](show-bomwindow/required-functions/transfer-items) ``` ## Examples **Showing the BOM of a Vault Item:** ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: true $item = Get-VaultItem -Number '100001' function Get-BomRows($bomHeader) { return (Get-VaultItemBom -Number $bomHeader._Number) } function Check-Items($items) { } function Transfer-Items($items) { } function Check-Boms($boms) { } function Transfer-Boms($boms) { } Show-BomWindow -Entity $item ``` **Opening the Bom-Window for a Vault file with simple implementation of Check- and Transfer operations:** ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: true $file = Get-VaultFile -Properties @{'File Name'='Catch Assembly.iam'} function Get-BomRows($bomHeader) { return (Get-VaultFileBom -File $bomHeader._FullPath) } function Check-Items($items) { foreach($item in $items) { $item | Update-BomWindowEntity -Status 'New' } } function Transfer-Items($items) { foreach($item in $items) { $item | Update-BomWindowEntity -Status 'Identical' } } function Check-Boms($boms) { foreach($bom in $boms) { $bom | Update-BomWindowEntity -Status 'New' } } function Transfer-Boms($boms) { foreach($bom in $boms) { $bom | Update-BomWindowEntity -Status 'Identical' } } Show-BomWindow -Entity $file ``` **Force the Bom-Window to be displayed in german culture:** ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: true [CultureInfo]::DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = [CultureInfo]::CreateSpecificCulture('de-DE') $file= Get-VaultFile -File '$/Designs/Pad Lock/Assemblies/Catch Assembly.iam' Show-BomWindow -Entity $file ``` **Full example to display, check and tranfer a BOM of a Vault File or Item to the powerGateServer ERP Plugin:**\ Download example: {download}`BomWindow_RequiredFunctions.ps1 ` ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: true $file = Get-VaultFile -Properties @{'File Name'='MSB-Weld.iam'} if($file._HasModelState) { $allModelStates = Get-VaultFileBom -File $file._FullPath -ModelStateType All $file = $allModelStates | Where-Object { $_.Bom_ModelState -eq 'Face Machining + Treading' } } Show-BomWindow -Entity $file $item = Get-VaultItem -Number '100018' Show-BomWindow -Entity $item ``` More plugins can be found [here](powergateserver:plugins/plugin_gallery) .