# EntityType The EntityType object is of type *PsObject* and provides access to the metadata information of a specific entity from the ERP-System. ## Syntax ```powershell $entityType.Name ``` Following properties are available: | Type | Name | Description | |----------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | string | Name | The name of the EntityType. | | string | Namespace | The namespace where the EntityType is located in. | | System.Uri | Service | The Url of the Service. | | string | EntitySet | The name of the EntitSet which the Entity belongs to. | | [](/code_reference/commandlets/objects/property)\[\] | Keys | The Key properties which uniquely identifies the Entity. | | [](/code_reference/commandlets/objects/property)\[\] | Properties | The available properties for the Entity. | | [](/code_reference/commandlets/objects/navigationproperty)\[\] | Navigationproperties | The available navigation properties for the Entity. |