# Get-FLCItems Retrieves items from an FLC workspace. ## Syntax ```powershell Get-FLCItems -Workspace [[-Filter] ] [] ``` ## Parameters | Type | Name | Description | Optional | |--------|-----------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | String | Workspace | The name of the workspace where the items should be retrieved from | no | | String | Filter | Search string in the form of a Fusion 360 Manage [search query][] | yes | [search query]: https://help.autodesk.com/view/PLM/ENU/?guid=UG-SEARCH-SEARCH ## Return type [Item[]]() ← On success.\ empty ← on failure. Exception/ErrorMessage can be accessed using [\$Error](). ## Remarks The **-Filter** argument accepts the same [search query]() as Fusion 360 Manage and can be used to include only specific items in the result.\ The search queries support [General item properties](), [Workspace specific properties]() and [Advanced searches with logical operators]().\ Cross-workspace searches are not supported by the cmdlet. For *revision-controlled* Workspaces the cmdlet returns *working versions* for all the Fusion 360 Manage items, unless no other information was requested in the *-Filter* argument.\ This means that instead of filtering items by their `isWorkingVersion` property, it is also possible to retrieve their *latest versions* via `isLatestVersion=true` (for some items the *latest version* can be the same as the *working version*).\ Specific item versions can be retrieved using the filter property `itemId=...` instead. :::{warning} Inaccurate results can be caused by the Fusion 360 Manage search index being out of date.\ This can be resolved by starting a Re-Index for the workspace in the workspace settings. ::: ## Examples To use the examples below a [Fusion 360 Manage PLM demo]() Tenant is required: **Get all items in a workspace** ```powershell Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId 'your_email@example.com' Get-FLCItems -Workspace 'Change Orders' <# Id : 7296 Workspace : Change Orders RootId : 7296 WorkflowState : Implementation Number : CO000004 Title : Modify Heatsink Cover Priority : HIGH Change Reason Code : Quality Issue Description of Change : Reduce size of the heatsink cover to resolve capacitor interference issue. Stage 1 Predefined Approvers : {Black Amanda, Miller Boris} ... Id : 7384 Workspace : Change Orders ... #> ``` **Save field of type Image to file** ```powershell Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId 'your_email@example.com' $items = Get-FLCItems -Workspace 'FMEA Analysis' -Filter 'ITEM_DETAILS:NUMBER=FMEA000001' $imageBytes = $items[0].'Process or Product Image' Set-Content -Path 'image.png' -Value $imageBytes -Encoding Byte ``` **Filter items by workflow state and a workspace specific field** ```powershell Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId 'your_email@example.com' $items = Get-FLCItems -Workspace 'Products' -Filter 'workflowState="Requirements Definition" AND ITEM_DETAILS:DESCRIPTION="AUTOMOTIVE Infotainment"' $items[0].Number #returns 900-00006 ``` **Get working- and latest version of item** ```powershell Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId 'your_email@example.com' $items = Get-FLCItems -Workspace 'Items and BOMs' -Filter 'ITEM_DETAILS:NUMBER="035-0055-000" AND (isWorkingVersion=true OR isLatestVersion=true)' $items | Format-List Id, RootId, Number <# Id : 6803 RootId : 6803 Number : 035-0055-000 Id : 7187 RootId : 6803 Number : 035-0055-000 #> ```