# Get-FLCItemAssociations Returns a collection of attachments or affected items which are associated to the given Fusion 360 Manage Item. ## Syntax ```powershell Get-FLCItemAssociations -Workspace -ItemId -AffectedItems [] Get-FLCItemAssociations -Workspace -ItemId -Attachments [] ``` ```powershell Get-FLCItemAssociations -InputObject -AffectedItems [] Get-FLCItemAssociations -InputObject -Attachments [] ``` ## Parameters | Type | Name | Description | Optional | |---------------------------------------|---------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | String | Workspace | The name of the workspace that contains the item whose associated Items are retrieved | no (optional when *InputObject* is used) | | Long | ItemId | The ID of the item whose associated Items are retrieved | no (optional when *InputObject* is used) | | [Item]() | InputObject | The Fusion 360 Manage Item whose associated Items are retrieved. The argument accepts pipeline input | no (optional when *Workspace* and *ItemId* are used) | | SwitchParameter | AffectedItems | Retrieves associated Affected Items (can be [Linked Items][] and/or [Managed Items][]). | no (optional when *Attachments* is used) | | SwitchParameter | Attachments | Retrieves associated [Attachments][]. | no (optional when *Attachments* is used) | [Linked Items]: https://help.autodesk.com/view/PLM/ENU/?guid=UG-LINKEDTAB-LINKEDITEMS [Managed Items]: https://help.autodesk.com/view/PLM/ENU/?guid=UG-MANAGEDTAB-MANAGEDITEMS [Attachments]: https://help.autodesk.com/view/PLM/ENU/?guid=UG-ATTTAB-ATTACHMENTS ## Return type [LinkedItem[]]() / [Attachment[]]() ← On success.\ **empty** ← on failure. Exception/ErrorMessage can be accessed using [\$Error](). ## Remarks The SwitchParameters *AffectedItems* and *Attachments* cannot be combined. ### AffectedItems The passed **-Workspace** has to be [configured properly]() and must allow viewing the according Affected Items in the [Linked Items Tab]().\ This tab is often known as [Managed Items-]() or [Affected Items Tab]() (or even *"Workflow Items"*, *"Associated Change Orders"*, ...) within *revisioning* workspaces. For such *revisioning* Items the cmdlet returns the **exact** revisions of all the Affected Items from the associated *revision-controlled* workspaces. The resulting Items can be located in different Workspaces. ### Attachments The passed **-Workspace** has to be [configured properly]() and must allow viewing the according Attachments in the [Attachments Tab](). The Cmdlet returns a list of all the *direct Attachments* for the passed Fusion 360 Manage Item. ## Examples To use the examples below a [Fusion 360 Manage PLM demo]() Tenant is required: **Display all the Affected Items for a revisioning Item in Fusion 360 Manage** ```powershell Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId 'your_email@example.com' $item = (Get-FLCItems -Workspace 'Change Orders' -Filter 'ITEM_DETAILS:NUMBER="CO000012"')[0] $affectedItems = $item | Get-FLCItemAssociations -AffectedItems #Print details which are displayed in the 'Managed Items' tab in Fusion 360 Manage $global:index=0 $affectedItems | Format-Table -Property @{name="index";expression={$global:index;$global:index++}},Number,LinkedItem_Lifecycle,LinkedItem_EffectivityDate,LinkedItem_FromRevision,LinkedItem_ToRevision,LinkedItem_Disposition <# index Number LinkedItem_Lifecycle LinkedItem_EffectivityDate LinkedItem_FromRevision LinkedItem_ToRevision LinkedItem_Disposition ----- --------- ------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------- 1 001-00001 Bypass Design and Release 18.02.2016 00:00:00 A Rework 1 001-00001 Bypass Design and Release 18.02.2016 00:00:00 A Scrap 2 035-00001 Bypass Design and Release 18.02.2016 00:00:00 A ... 45 035-00002 Design Revision 06.11.2021 00:00:00 2 3 Use Until Depleted #> ``` **Display all the Attachments for an Item in Fusion 360 Manage** ```powershell Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId 'your_email@example.com' $attachments = Get-FLCItemAssociations -Workspace 'Change Request' -ItemId 7584 -Attachments #Print details which are displayed in the 'Attachments' tab in Fusion 360 Manage $attachments | Format-Table -Property 'FileName',Title,Version,@{name="Type";expression={"$([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_.'File Name').TrimStart('.').ToUpper()) Image"}},@{name="Size";expression={"$([Math]::Round($_.Size/1KB,1)) KB"}},Description <# FileName Title Version Type Size Description --------------------------- ----------------------- ------- ------ --------- ----------- GT220 Change Proposal.png GT220 Change Proposal 1 Image 1313.4 KB Screenshot p681 Heatsink Cap Issue.jpg p681 Heatsink Cap Issue 1 Image 146.5 KB #> ``` **Error handling, analyze why retrieving Linked Items or Attachments failed using \$Error** ```powershell Connect-FLC -Tenant 'your_tenant_name' -ClientId 'your_client_id' -ClientSecret 'your_client_secret' -UserId 'your_email@example.com' $linkedItems = Get-FLCItemAssociations -Workspace 'Suppliers' -ItemId 6394 -AffectedItems if(-not $linkedItems){ $Error[0].Exception #Returns "FORBIDDEN: User ****: access VIEW_WORKFLOW_ITEMS denied..." } ```