# powerFLC v21 ## v21.1.6 `02-03-2021` **Fixed** - [Update-FLCItem](): Issue where updating a Fusion Lifecycle Item failed for Workspaces that contain a Field of the following type: - *Workspace - Pick List* - *Defined - Pick List* of type *Radio Button*, *Show first value as default*, *Retains Last Saved Label* and *With search filter* - [Update-FLCItem](): Issue where updating a Fusion Lifecycle Item failed for Workspaces that used a *Classification*. - [Update-FLCItem]() and [Add-FLCItem](): Issue where using the cmdlet on a workspace containing a matrix with an empty cell resulted in an error. ## v21.1.4 `20-01-2021` **General** - Updated Licensing to version: [18.1.22]() ## v21.1.3 `15-12-2020` **General** - Updated Licensing to version: [18.1.21]() - Copyright notices have changed - [Get-FLCBom](), [Update-FLCBom]() and : Improved performance of operations required for transferring BOMs - [Item]() and [BomRow](): Properties are retrieved on demand when respective property is accessed ## v21.1.2 `16-09-2020` **Features** - Added [Transfer Item BOMs workflow]() workflow for transferring Vault Item BOMs to Fusion Lifecycle based on a customizable [powerJobs Processor Job]() - Replaced Settings Dialog with a [more customizable dialog]() - Workflows need to have the same name as their respective powerJobs Processor job to avoid confusion. **General** - Removed the *Administration Tab* in Vault Explorer that gave administrators the possibility to navigate to the transferred Fusion Lifecycle item and the opportunity for viewing and deleting these stored relationships. :::{dropdown} Breaking Changes :class-title: warning **Settings not restored**\ When upgrading from an earlier version of powerFLC the previous configuration for connecting to Fusion Lifecycle is lost and will not be restored!\ The required information for connecting to Fusion Lifecycle have to be entered again in the Tenant Settings dialog. **Removed Standard Workflows**\ The stored configuration and the Job Processor extension for the *Synchronize Projects*, *Synchronize Change Orders*, *Transfer Files* and *Transfer File BOMs* workflows have been removed.\ If required, the according workflows and their configurations have to be re-created using the more customizable Configuration Manager dialog by creating custom Workflow Jobs. ::: ## v21.0.6 `01-07-2020` **General** - [Add-FLCItem]() and [Update-FLCItem](): Improved performance of item operations that require retrieving *SingleSelection-Defined Pick List*, *MultiSelection-Defined Pick List* or *BOM UOM Pick List* fields **Fixed** - [Cmdlets]() and *Standard Workflows*: Issue where setting certain values on fields of type Pick Lists with User Defined values in Fusion Lifecycle did not work. - [Cmdlets]() and *Standard Workflows*: Issue where setting values other than the first 10 displayed in Fusion Lifecycle to a field of type BOM UOM Pick List resulted in an error. - Issue in *Transfer Files* and *Transfer File BOMs* workflows, where setting a single value to a Fusion Lifecycle field of type Multiple Selection Pick List resulted in an error. ## v21.0.4 `16-06-2020` - [Cmdlets](): Official Release **Fixed** - Compatibility-Issue with other coolOrange products using an older [Logging]() version ## v21.0.3 `01-05-2020` **General** - Renamed *vaultFLC* to *powerFLC* :::{dropdown} Breaking Changes :class-title: warning **Renamed Powershell module**\ Renamed [Powershell Module]() *vaultFLC* to *powerFLC*.\ All scripts which use `Import-Module vaultFLC` have to be changed to `Import-Module powerFLC`. **License Registration**\ The [License has to be registered]() again using the same SerialNumber or ActivationFile. **Registry Keys**\ Changed registry keys from `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\coolOrange s.r.l.\vaultFLC` to `HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\coolOrange s.r.l.\powerFLC`. ::: ## v21.0.2 `28-04-2020` **Features** - Added support for Vault 2021 **General** - End User License Agreement (EULA) has changed - Updated Licensing to version: [18.1.17]() - Added *vaultFLC Information* shortcut to startmenu - Removed vaultFLC Help shortcut from startmenu as it can be accessed via vaultFLC Information shortcut - Removed Splashscreen