# Getting started ## Sample scripts Installed []() demonstrate possible automation processes and guardrails when working with Vault applications. They let you see the capabilities of the product in common scenarios.\ The sample scripts are customizable and can be used as a template to easily create your own scripts to fit specific customer requirements. One of these samples, [*Sample.ValidateProperties*]() is intended to show how custom code can be executed on Vault lifecycle state transitions. ## Activating a sample script Sample scripts are disabled by default.\ However, thanks to their modular structure, an individual script like *C:\\ProgramData\\coolOrange\\Client Customizations\\Disabled\\Sample.ValidateProperties.ps1* can be easily enabled.\ Just **move it** to the directory *C:\\ProgramData\\coolOrange\\Client Customizations*: ```{image} /img/enable_script_sampleValidateProperties.png :width: 700px ``` ## Testing the script The goal of the **Sample.ValidateProperties** script is to prevent a user from releasing a file that has recently been changed by an other user.\ Testing this customization requires **two different Vault accounts**. Start the Vault Client and log in with the first account (in this example "Administrator" is used).\ Navigate to a file and change the lifecycle state to a non-release state.\ In this example the state of **Intake Casing.ipt** is changed to **"For Review"**: ```{image} /img/getting_started_smpleValidateProperties_changestate.png ``` **Changing Vault account**\ Log out by going to "File" -> "Log Out" and log in again with the **second** Vault account. **Releasing file**\ Navigate back to previously changed file and try to change its lifecycle state to a released state. In this example the state of **Intake Casing.ipt** is changed to **"Released"**: ```{image} /img/getting_started_smpleValidateProperties_release.png ``` **Result**\ The lifecycle transition for **Intake Casing.ipt** to the **"Released"** state is blocked by a powerEvents restriction\ because the latest modification was performed by a different Vault account ("Administrator" in this example) and the second Vault account is now trying to release the file: ```{image} /img/getting_started_smpleValidateProperties_restriction.png ```