# Features ```{image} /img/cmd_mightybrowser_update2.png :align: right ``` The commands for the mightyBrowser Add-In are located in the coolOrange ribbon. ## Commands ### Update Browser Nodes - Updates the toplevel element (display name) in the Inventor browser of an assembly, drawing, presentation and part. - Updates the components in the Inventor browser of an assembly as set in the configruation file. - Updates the VIEWs in the Inventor browser of an drawing (IDW, DWG) - For iPart factoires the command will display a message, that this functionality is not supported. #### Skipping files for Browser Node Update - Skipping files for Browser Node Update can be configured in the config file with setting: **\**’Property Name’|’Property Value’**\** - ‘Property Name’ is the Name of the iProperty that is used for skipping the Update Browser Node - ’Property Value’ is the value of the iProperty, that was defined with ‘Property Name’. - Default setting is \\: No ‘Property Name’ is set, therefore no browser node is skipped. - \MyCustomProperty|\*\: All files with iProperty ‘MyCustomProperty’ will be ignored for Update Browser Node. ‘\*’ means that the value of ‘MyCustomProperty’ can contain any value. - \MyProperty|SpecificValue\: Those files having the iProperty 'MyProperty' with the value 'SpecificValue' will be ignored/skipped. - Sample: \Description|Gear\: Files where the iProperty ‘Description’ has the (exact) value ‘Gear’ will be ignored/skipped. - \MyCustomProperty|\: All files where iProperty ‘MyCustomProperty’ is empty will be ignored for Update Browser Node. - If the command “Update Browser Node” is called in the context of an assembly and a component has an iProperty that fits to ‘SkipUpdateNode’, then the browser node of that component is not updated, as the browser nodes belongs to the assembly. - If the iProperty that fits to ‘SkipUpdateNode’ is defined in the top assembly, part, IPN or drawing then the display name (top level browser node) is not updated. ### Reset Nodes Sets back the components in the Inventor browser of an assembly and the display name of an assembly, drawing, presentation and part. ### Help Opens the mightyBrowser home documentation site on the coolOrange Wiki page. ### About ```{image} /img/mightybrowser_aboutdlg.png :align: right ``` Displays a dialog with the version number of the app. Also a link to this Wiki and the EULA is included.