# ItemBomRow An ItemBomRow is of type [Item]() and represents a single row entry in the BOM of an Item in Vault. The \$itemBomRow object is dynamically generated with additional *BOM specific properties*. ## Syntax ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $itemBomRow.Bom_Number ``` Following properties are always available in addition to the [Item]() members: | Type | Name | Description | |--------|--------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | string | Bom_Number | The Number of the item row. For rows assigned to an item this is the item Number. | | int | Bom_RowOrder | The Order of the item in the BOM. | | string | Bom_PositionNumber | The Position Number of the item row. | | double | Bom_Quantity | The Quantity of the item row. | | string | Bom_Unit | The Unit of Measure of the item row (e.g. Each, inch, liter, kg,…). | | bool | Bom_IsCad | Indicates if the item row is created by CAD or manually. | ## Remarks ItemBomRows that are not linked to any existing Vault item only provide the BOM specific properties. *No Item properties* are available for unassigned rows. ## Localization \$itemBomRow is supporting this [feature](): - all active properties can be accessed via the displayName - all active properties can be accessed via \_SystemName **except:** the ones with guids (=user defined) ## Examples **ItemBomRow-object** on an english environment: ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: Bom_Number : NU-41880947 Bom_Unit : Each Bom_Quantity : 1 Bom_RowOrder : 1 Bom_PositionNumber : 1 Bom_IsCad : True Version : 29 _VersionNumber : 29 Comment : _Comment : Number of Attachments : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo _NumManualAttachments : Autodesk.DataManagement.Client.Framework.Vault.Currency.Properties.ImageInfo Date Modified : 18.06.2019 15:08:46 _ModDate : 18.06.2019 15:08:46 Equivalence Value : ERP-16209830 _EquivalenceValue : ERP-16209830 ... Id : 138730 MasterId : 569 PersistentId : PersistentMasterId : ThinClientHyperLink : http://localhost/AutodeskTC/Vault/items/item/569 ThickClientHyperLink : http://localhost/AutodeskDM/Services/EntityDataCommandRequest. aspx?Vault=Vault&ObjectId=NU-41880947&ObjectType=ItemRevision&Comma nd=Select ```