# Email An Email object is of type *PsObject* and represents the Vault [Change Order]() Email Notification. ## Syntax ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: $email.Addresses ``` The following properties are available : | Type | Name | Description | |------------|-----------|----------------------------------------| | string | Body | The body of the email. | | string | Subject | The subject of the email. | | string\[\] | Addresses | A list of people to send the email to. | ## Example ```{code-block} powershell :linenos: Addresses : {info@coolorange.com} Subject : Autodesk Data Management - ECO-0000022 - Create - New Comment Body : The following Autodesk Data Management events have occurred: New Comment: ECO-0000022 - Create http://localhost/AutodeskDM/Services/EntityDataCommandRequest.aspx?Vault=Vault&ObjectID=ECO-0000022&ObjectType=ECO&Command=Select Vault: Vault User: Administrator Time: 4/20/2021 9:03:00 AM ```