# Show-Inspector Opens the Inspector window, a debugging tool that displays all existing PowerShell variables and their values: ```{image} /img/variableinspector.png :width: 300px ``` ## Syntax ```powershell Show-Inspector [-Highlight ] [] ``` ## Parameters | Type | Name | Description | Optional | |--------|-----------|------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | String | Highlight | The inspector jumps to the passed variable (e.g. `'file'`) | yes | ## Return type **empty** ## Examples **Extend PowerShell script with Show-Inspector to analyse variables and find errors:** ```powershell function Get-Path{ param($switch) switch($switch){ a{$path = "C:\Temp\a.txt";break} b{$path = "C:\Temp\b.txt";break} c{$path = "C:\Temp\.txt";break} d{$path = "C:\Temp\d.txt";break} } return $path } $path = Get-Path -switch 'c' Show-Inspector 'path' Get-Content $path ``` Admittedly the error in the previous script is obvious, but it's just intented to show a possible purpose of the Inspector window.\ In more complex scripts you can easily check your PowerShell variables with this method without writing them out to a textfile.