# Add-VaultChangeOrder Creates a Change Order in Vault. ## Syntax ```powershell Add-VaultChangeOrder -Number [-Routing ] [] ``` ## Parameters | Type | Name | Description | Default value | Optional | |--------|---------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | String | Number | Number of the Change Order | | no | | String | Routing | The name of an active Routing that should be used for the Change Order. | The name of the default Routing Definition that is configured in Vault | yes | ## Return type [ChangeOrder]() ← on success\ **empty** ← on failure ## Remarks An empty Change Order gets created that doesn't track any changes to design files yet and its *Due Date* will already be reached on the current day of creation.\ Only routing entries from the list of active Routing Definitions can be passed to the **-Routing** parameter, and these are related to the default Workflow Definition that is configured in Vault and gets used for all the new Change Orders. ## Examples **Create a new Change Order:** ```powershell $changeOrder = Add-VaultChangeOrder -Number "ECO-0000022" ``` **Display all the automatically assigned details of the new Change Order in Console:** ```powershell $changeOrder = Add-VaultChangeOrder -Number "200-115" #Print the Rounting, State, Due Date, Title, Detailed Description and the amount of associated Item Records and File Attachments of the Change Order $changeOrder | Format-Table Routing,_State,_ApproveDeadline,'_Title(Item,CO)','_Description(Item,CO)',_NumItems,_NumFileAttachments <# Rounting _State _ApproveDeadline _Title(Item,CO) _Description(Item,CO) _NumItems _NumFileAttachments ----------------- ------ ------------------- --------------- --------------------- --------- ------------------- Production Change Create 11.05.2017 10:19:00 0 0 #> ``` **Specifying a routing to be used for the created Change Order:** ```powershell $changeOrder = Add-VaultChangeOrder -Number "ECO-000110" -Routing 'First Release' ```