# Entity An Entity object is of type PSObject and represents an entity of a specific type from the ERP-System. The \$entity object is dynamically created depending on the composition of the EntityType.\ Each property is attached to the PSObject as NoteProperty member with the same name and value as defined in the ERP-System. ## Syntax ```powershell $entity._Keys ``` Following read-only properties are always available: | Type | Name | Description | |----------|--------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PSObject | \_Keys | A PSObject containing only the Key properties and its values. | | PSObject | \_Properties | A PSObject containing Properties, NavigationProperties and its values. | ## Examples **Properties of the dynamic created Entity:** ```powershell Connect-Erp -Service "http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/" $entity = Get-ERPObject -EntitySet "Customers" -Keys @{ "CustomerID" = "ANTON" } <# CustomerID : ANTON CompanyName : Antonio Moreno Taquería ContactName : Antonio Moreno ContactTitle : Owner Address : Mataderos 2312 City : México D.F. Region : Postalcode : 05023 Country : Mexico Phone : (5) 555-3932 Fax : #> ``` **Accessing \_Keys and \_Properties of the Entity:** ```powershell Connect-Erp -Service "http://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/" $entity = Get-ERPObject -EntitySet "Customers" -Keys @{ "CustomerID" = "ANTON" } $entity._Keys <# CustomerID : ANTON #> $entity._Properties <# CompanyName : Antonio Moreno Taquería ContactName : Antonio Moreno ContactTitle : Owner Address : Mataderos 2312 City : México D.F. Region : PostalCode : 05023 Country : Mexico Phone : (5) 555-3932 Fax : #> ```