Configuration Manager

The Configuration Manager dialog allows Vault Administrators to configure, import, export and create workflows.

Starting the dialog

The configuration manager can be accessed in the Vault Client in the Tools menu by clicking on the powerFLC Configuration Manager… entry.


Tenant Settings

When the configuration manager dialog is opened for the first time a dialog to configure the connection to the Fusion 360 Manage tenant automatically opens.


Following information are required:

  • Client Id and Client Secret:
    The credentials of the registered Forge app required for the two-legged authentication on the Forge Platform.
    Retrieve the Client ID and Secret (see Step 3: Note Down Your Client ID and Secret) for your powerPLM app from the Forge portal.
    The credentials must be whitelisted in your Fusion 360 Manage Tenant.

  • Tenant Name:
    The name of the Fusion Lifecycle tenant, which is usually the first part of the URL to your Fusion 360 Manage Site: https://[Tenant Name]

  • System User Email:
    The e-mail address of a particular user who will perform all the succeeding requests to Fusion 360 Manage.

Manage Workflows

The dialog allows to access and change the Fusion 360 Manage tenant and to create, edit, remove and reorder workflows.


Workflows can be edited by double-clicking the workflow entry which will open the Workflow-Settings dialog.

1. Connection Settings

The Connection Settings… button starts the Tenant Settings dialog.

2. New Workflow

The ../_images/add_button.png button opens the dialog to create a new workflow.

3. Remove Workflow

The ../_images/remove_button.png button removes the currently selected workflow.

4. Move Workflow

The ../_images/up_button.png and ../_images/down_button.png buttons move the selected Workflow up or down in the list.

Create a new Workflow

To create a new workflow the following details are required:


1. Workflow name

Name of the workflow, the workflow must have the same name as the associated job.

2. Fusion Lifecycle Workspace

The Fusion Lifecycle Workspace that is used in the workflow.

3. Vault Entity Type

The Vault entity type used in the workflow, must be one of the following:

  • Change Order

  • Custom Object

  • File

  • Folder

  • Item

After confirming, the Workflow-Settings dialog will be displayed.

Import / Export workflows

The configurations for the workflows and tenants can be imported and exported using the respective buttons.
powerPLM (powerFLC) is delivered with two sample workflows, which are designed to cover common user scenarios and to be easily extendable.
They also serve as a base to create custom workflows.

  • The Import… button opens a file chooser dialog where you can select a previously exported workflow to import.

  • The Export… button opens a dialog to export the currently selected workflow.