# Event The Event object is of type *PsObject* and represents the registration to a specific [Vault API event]() or Vault Client [Tab action](). ## Syntax ```powershell $event.SourceIdentifier ``` Following properties are available : | Type | Name | Description | |--------------------------|------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | String | Name | The name of the registered event. For Vault API events this is the corresponding [VaultEvent]() name, for tabs *'TabSelectionChanged'* is returned. | | String | SourceIdentifier | Unique string which represents the registered event. Required for [](). | | String / [ScriptBlock][] | Command | The PowerShell script which is executed when the event is fired. | [ScriptBlock]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_script_blocks ## Examples **Registered event with Command specified as function name** ```powershell Name : UpdateFileStates_Restrictions SourceIdentifier : 6090dbfa-bbb4-4d31-becf-4b63c8111a4f Command : CanTriggerDwfJob ``` **Properties of an event with Command specified as script block** ```powershell Name : UpdateFileStates_Post SourceIdentifier : f4e99f68-fcfb-4d1c-b0df-4ae5611de2b6 Command : { param() write-host 'This script block is executed when the Vault event is raised!' } ```