# Unregister-VaultEvent Unregisters [Vault API events]() or Vault Client [Tab actions]() so that the registered actions are no longer invoked when the events are raised. ## Syntax ```powershell Unregister-VaultEvent [-EventName ] [-SourceIdentifier ] [] ``` ## Parameters | Type | Name | Description | Optional | |--------------------------------------------------------|------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | [VaultEvent]() | EventName | The name of the Vault event from which to unregister | yes | | String | SourceIdentifier | Unregister a specific registration by specifying it's [SourceIdentifier]() | yes | ## Return type [Event[]]() ← on success\ **empty** ← on failure ## Remarks The Cmdlet unregisters either specific or all vault events and returns the unregistered events as a result.\ That means, when a specific vault event is raised, the registered []() will not be executed any more. To unregister a *specific registration* the [result]() from the []() cmdlet can be used to detach the registration via its *SourceIdentifier*.\ When all registrations should be detached from a *specific vault event*, only the *EventName* of the Vault event can be used. Additionally it is possible to unregister from all [Vault API events](), Vault Client [Tab actions]() and [Menu item Actions]() by *not specifying any parameters*. ## Examples **Unregister from a specific registration:** ```powershell $event = Register-VaultEvent -EventName UpdateFileStates_Post -Action { param($files) } Unregister-VaultEvent -SourceIdentifier $event.SourceIdentifier ``` **Unregister from the registration after the State of a file become updated:** ```powershell Register-VaultEvent -EventName UpdateFileStates_Post -SourceIdentifier 'AddLog_on_UpdateFileStatesPost' -Action "Add-Log" function Add-Log($file) { Write-Host -Object "$($file._Name)" Unregister-VaultEvent -SourceIdentifier 'AddLog_on_UpdateFileStatesPost' } ``` **Unregisters all the registrations from the AddFile_Post event:** ```powershell Register-VaultEvent -EventName AddFile_Post -Action { param( $file ) Write-Host -Object "Added file $($file._Name)" } function DoNothing($file) {} Register-VaultEvent -EventName AddFile_Post -Action "DoNothing" Unregister-VaultEvent -EventName AddFile_Post ``` **Unregisters all event, tab action and menu item action registrations:** ```powershell Register-VaultEvent -EventName EditItems_Restrictions -Action { ; } Register-VaultEvent -EventName UpdateFileStates_Post -Action { ; } Register-VaultEvent -EventName MoveFile_Pre -Action { ; } Add-VaultTab -Name "File Tab" -EntityType 'File' - Action { ; } Add-VaultTab -Name "Item Tab" -EntityType 'Item' - Action { ; } Add-VaultMenuItem -Location ToolsMenu -Name 'Tools menu item' -Action { ; } Unregister-VaultEvent ```