# powerEvents v23 ## v23.0.20 `17-04-2023` **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.15](). **Fixed** - Issue when using `finally` statements in script blocks or PowerShell functions, where the execution of *-Action* parameters in [](), [](), []() and []() cmdlets failed with *System.NullReferenceException* even before the actual finally block could execute - Display issue in the Error Message Box where *System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException* was displayed for all [terminating errors]() instead of their actual exception type ## v23.0.19 `06-03-2023` **Features** - **New cmdlet**: []() to register menu items in Inventor ribbons with custom Actions that are invoked when the menu items are clicked. **Fixed** - Issue where Vault Data Standard (VDS) customizations executed significantly slower, **after** registered [VaultEvents]() were triggered from the VDS customization ## v23.0.17 `22-02-2023` **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.14](). **Fixed** - Issue in the []() cmdlet where the Vault Client crashed when terminating exceptions occurred in UI events, such as ScriptBlocks invoked on `$button.add_Click({ ... })` events ## v23.0.16 `14-02-2023` **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.11](). **Features** - [](): Added support to add menu items to the context menu of Vault **Folders** **Fixed** - Issue where context menu items were not displayed when the []() cmdlet was used for multiple different [locations]() - Issue in []()*_Restrictions* and *_Pre* events where properties of `$files` parameter instances return either empty or wrong values when accessed from outside the registered function or Scriptblock. - Issue where uninstalling product also uninstalled [powerVault](), although it was still needed by other products, e.g. [powerJobs Processor](). ## v23.0.14 `01-02-2023` **General** - Significant performance improvements when large Inventor assemblies are Checked-in to Vault and []()- or []() events are registered.\ For these events, unncecessary Vault API calls will be prevented when `$dependencies`,`$attachments` or `$fileBom` parameters are not used. - Product-wide performance improvements by configuring the log level 'INFO' for the [\ logger]() to avoid automatically generated DEBUG logs if not configured. - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.10](). ## v23.0.13 `12-01-2023` **Fixed** - Issue where new "low-level Vault connection" was created against Vault Data Server (ADMS), when working in environments with dedicated/separated Vault File Server (AVFS). ## v23.0.12 `15-12-2022` **General** - Behavior of `Add-VaultMenuItem` when called multiple times for same menu item has changed: Instead of ignoring subsequent calls for same menu item, []() cmdlet now updates the passed `-Action` for the menu item. **Features** - [](): Added support to add menu items to the Vault Explorer's **Tools menu** ## v23.0.11 `07-12-2022` **Features** - **New cmdlet**: []() to register a new tab for a specific entity type in the Vault Explorer with an Action that is invoked when the tab is clicked. - Simplified [enabling and disabling]() customization scripts by providing a *"./Disabled"* subdirectory where scripts can be moved to, instead of uncommenting or commenting the contained `Register-VaultEvent ...` lines. **Fixed** - Issue that manually disabled/enabled Sample- and standard [scripts]() are automatically reverted after installing [Updates]().\ **Note:** This will only affect future versions. If sample scripts have been manually enabled (uncommented `Register-VaultEvent ...` lines), they can be moved to *%ProgramData%/coolOrange/powerEvents/Events* directory after updating from [v23.0.9]() or earlier. - Issue that [LoginVault_Post]() event actions were not executed before those of other event registrations - Issue where updating a property mapped to an AutoCAD property with []() in an event causes the Vault Client to freeze. **General** - Changed type of property *Name* on []() results from *'powerEvents.Cmdlets.VaultEvent'* to *'String'*. ## v23.0.9 `27-10-2022` **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.8](). **Features** - **New VaultEvent**: [LoginVault_Post]() which gets raised after successfully signing in to Vault. **Fixed** - Issue with []()- and []() events not getting executed when files with empty BOMs (and *copyBom* parameter disabled) are checked into Vault.\ This applies to all non-modelling files (e.g. drawings, presentation files or automatically generated design visualization files) that are checked in through Inventor or AutoCAD. ## v23.0.7 `29-09-2022` **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.7](). - The setup has been extended to provide a dependency key that is required for other product setups that depend on powerEvents **Fixed** - Issue where repair via setup was not possible if powerVault was previously uninstalled - Issue where powerVault was listed twice in Programs and Features after upgrading powerVault ## v23.0.6 `23-08-2022` **Features** - The `-Action` parameter of the []() cmdlet is invoked with [powerVault entities]() as parameter, which provide all entity properties without having to implement custom logic to retrieve them ## v23.0.5 `28-07-2022` **Features** - **New cmdlet**: []() to register menu items with custom actions in the Vault Explorer - **New client customization**: [SubmitJobsOnVaultMenuItemClick.ps1]() to submit jobs from the context-menu (right-click menu) in Vault when configured in the [powerJobs Settings Dialog](). **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.6]().\ This allows custom applications to execute events registered in customization [scripts]() again when using powerVault [v23.0.4]() or later (see fix [v23.0.1]()).\ Also, warning logs like *"Creating a low level connection to the server"* should no longer appear. ## v23.0.1 `20-04-2022` **Features** - Added support for Vault 2023 - Added support for [console logs]() in **PowerShell ISE** **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [23.0.1]().\ Memory usage is reduced when a large number or frequently executed Vault events are [registered]() (see [22.0.9]()). **Fixed** - Vulnerability in []() configuration files by updating *log4net* to v2.0.14 ([CVE-2018-1285]()) - Issue with [ColoredConsoleAppender]() that caused [powershell remote hosts]() to crash when appender was logging to console - Issue where the _Action_ from the [Register-VaultEvent]() was not executed when Vault event was triggered from custom application - “Page not found” error page opens after clicking Help button in Control Panel → Add or Remove Programs