# powerEvents v18 :::{admonition} Vault 2016 and earlier :class: warning **CommitItems** event is raised when changing the LifeCycleState of items **CommitItems** event is fired after the UpdateItemLifecycleState event ::: ## v18.0.15 `15-12-2017` **General** - Updated powerVault to version [18.0.19]() **Fixed** - Vault events are not getting executed because of compatibility issue with powerVault [18.0.19]() and later ## v18.0.14 `13-10-2017` **Fixed** - Issue that "low-level Vault connection" was created against Autodesk Data Management Server (AMDS), when working with SSL connections ## v18.0.13 `25-08-2017` **General** - Updated powerVault to version: [18.0.17]() **Fixed** - Disabled Sample.ValidateProperties.ps1 by default, by commenting *Register-VaultEvent* calls in script ## v18.0.11 `18-08-2017` **General** - Removed property *SourceObject* from []() **Features** - New cmdlet: []() - Scripts and Modules become [automatically reloaded]() at runtime, when developping new scripts or modifying them - *CustomObject*- Events are now supported [read more]() - *ChangeOrder* - Events are now supported [read more]() **Fixed** - Issue where PowerShell Host depending Cmdlets like [Out-File]() or [Out-Host]() were throwing an exception when used in Vault [Event Actions]() - Issue that "low-level Vault connection" was created against Autodesk Data Management Server (ADMS), when working in environments where ADMS and Autodesk Vault Filestore Server (AVFS) are located on different environments ## v18.0.7 `17-07-2017` - Official Release **General** - All *File*- *Item*- and *Folder*- Events are supported [read more]() - New cmdlet: []() - New cmdlet: []() - Added [standard logging]() with installation into GAC - Added client customization [samples]() **Fixed** - poweEvents did not load in AutoCAD and Inventor, now it works in both applications - Performance issues where too much memory was consumed, because multiple PowerShell sessions were created