

The commands for the mightyBrowser Add-In are located in the coolOrange ribbon.


Update Browser Nodes

  • Updates the toplevel element (display name) in the Inventor browser of an assembly, drawing, presentation and part.

  • Updates the components in the Inventor browser of an assembly as set in the configruation file.

  • Updates the VIEWs in the Inventor browser of an drawing (IDW, DWG)

  • For iPart factoires the command will display a message, that this functionality is not supported.

Skipping files for Browser Node Update

  • Skipping files for Browser Node Update can be configured in the config file with setting: <SkipUpdateNode>’Property Name’|’Property Value’</SkipUpdateNode>

    • ‘Property Name’ is the Name of the iProperty that is used for skipping the Update Browser Node

    • ’Property Value’ is the value of the iProperty, that was defined with ‘Property Name’.

    • Default setting is <SkipUpdateNode></SkipUpdateNode>: No ‘Property Name’ is set, therefore no browser node is skipped.

    • <SkipUpdateNode>MyCustomProperty|*</SkipUpdateNode>: All files with iProperty ‘MyCustomProperty’ will be ignored for Update Browser Node. ‘*’ means that the value of ‘MyCustomProperty’ can contain any value.

    • <SkipUpdateNode>MyProperty|SpecificValue</SkipUpdateNode>: Those files having the iProperty ‘MyProperty’ with the value ‘SpecificValue’ will be ignored/skipped.

      • Sample: <SkipForProperty>Description|Gear</SkipUpdateNode>: Files where the iProperty ‘Description’ has the (exact) value ‘Gear’ will be ignored/skipped.

    • <SkipUpdateNode>MyCustomProperty|</SkipUpdateNode>: All files where iProperty ‘MyCustomProperty’ is empty will be ignored for Update Browser Node.

  • If the command “Update Browser Node” is called in the context of an assembly and a component has an iProperty that fits to ‘SkipUpdateNode’, then the browser node of that component is not updated, as the browser nodes belongs to the assembly.

  • If the iProperty that fits to ‘SkipUpdateNode’ is defined in the top assembly, part, IPN or drawing then the display name (top level browser node) is not updated.

Reset Nodes

Sets back the components in the Inventor browser of an assembly and the display name of an assembly, drawing, presentation and part.


Opens the mightyBrowser home documentation site on the coolOrange Wiki page.



Displays a dialog with the version number of the app. Also a link to this Wiki and the EULA is included.