--- myst: substitutions: ico_class: | ```{image} /img/code_reference/net_library/class.ico :width: 15px ``` ico_enum: | ```{image} /img/code_reference/net_library/enum.ico :width: 15px ``` ico_interface: | ```{image} /img/code_reference/net_library/interface.ico :width: 15px ``` --- # .NET Library ```{toctree} :glob: :hidden: net_library/* ``` ```{image} /img/code_reference/utilities.png :align: right :width: 160px ``` The bcpDevKit .NET library contains a set of classes, interfaces, and value types that makes it very easy to create your own BCP-package which can be imported into Vault. The libary *supports*: - .Net Framework 4.7 or higher. ## Classes | Class | Description | |---------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | {{ico_class}} [BcpServiceBuilder]() | This factory creates the BcpService with the relevant settings for you. | | {{ico_class}} [Export-Settings]() | This class provides settings for the creation of typically Vault settings that will be created in the package. | | {{ico_class}} [Entities-Table]() | Grants direct access to the BCP entities. | ## Interfaces | Interface | Description | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | {{ico_interface}} [IBcpService]() | Provides all the functionality to create a BCP package. | | {{ico_interface}} [ICustomObjectService]() | Provides functionality to add, search and manipulate custom objects and their definition syntax. | | {{ico_interface}} [IFileService]() | Contains functionality to add, search and manipulate files and folders in your package. | | {{ico_interface}} [IItemService]() | Contains functionality to deal with items and BOM. | ## Enumerations | Enumeration | Description | |----------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------| | {{ico_enum}} [BcpVersion]() | Specifies the Vault version of the BCP package. |