# Export-BcpPackage Exports the opened BCP package to the specified directory. ## Syntax ```powershell Export-BcpPackage [[-Path] ] [[-To] ] [-NoSourceFiles] [] ``` ## Parameters | Type | Name | Description | Default value | Optional | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------| | [DirectoryInfo]() | Path | Directory of the opened BCP package that should get exported | The last opened BCP package | yes | | [DirectoryInfo]() | To | Destination directory that will containing the VaultBCP xml files | The directory *‘.\\Export’* or the current directory *‘.’* when the package got opened by reusing an existing internal Database | yes | | SwitchParameter | No SourceFiles | The export package will be created without links to the real files | False | yes | ## Return type **Bool**: on success the cmdlet returns \$true otherwise \$false.\ \$result.Error ← On failure with an additional property 'Error' containing the Exception\ \$result.Location ← The directory where the exported BCP package is located\ \$result.DatabaseLocation ← The location to the internal Database-file of the exported BCP package (only specified when the exported BCP package is opened) ## Remarks The cmdlet exports the previously [opened]() BCP package to a destination directory.\ When multiple BCP packages are opened simultaneously the **Path** to the desired BCP package can be specified. The internal Database becomes exported to the destination directory requested in the **To** parameter.\ When the specified directory does not exist it will be automatically generated. For testing purpose it can be useful to export the package with the **NoSourceFiles** parameter, in order to get a package that can be imported into Vault without the need for the *real files*. ## Examples In the following examples we are using our {download}`VaultBcp 2024 ` sample package for demonstration purposes:\ **Exporting the previously opened BCP package** ```powershell Open-BcpPackage -Path 'C:\Temp\bcp_samplepackage' #... Export-BcpPackage -To 'C:\Temp\bcp_samplepackage\Export_01' ``` **Exporting several opened BCP packages** ```powershell Open-BcpPackage -Path 'C:\Temp\bcp_samplepackage' Open-BcpPackage -Path '.\bcp_customerpackage' -Version 2024 -IgnoreBomBlobs Export-BcpPackage -Path 'C:\Temp\bcp_samplepackage' '.\bcp_customerpackage' | Export-BcpPackage ``` **Validating if the BCP package got exported correctly** ```powershell $exportPackageResult = Export-BcpPackage -To 'P:\laplapla' if(-not $exportPackageResult ) { throw "Failed with error: " + $exportPackageResult.Error.Message } ``` **Exporting a BCP package to a relative path and using the export result** ```powershell $exportPackageResult = 'C:\Temp\bcp_samplepackage' | Export-BcpPackage -To '.\Export_02' write-host "Exported package to '$($exportPackageResult.Location.Fullname)'..." write-host "Version: '$([int]$exportPackageResult.Version)'" ```